Amazon Ion Schema defines a grammar and constraints for narrowing the universe of Ion values. A schema consists of zero or more types, and a type is a collection of zero or more constraints over the Ion data model. Aspects of a value not constrained by a type (“open content”) are considered valid, which enables loosely-coupled systems to evolve independently.
Once defined, a type can be used to:
- assert that a value meets specific expectations,
- generate developer-friendly APIs for working with data,
- enable efficient analysis over data that conforms to a type,
- and more!
For more information, see the Ion Schema Specification.
Latest News
🚀 Launch Announcement 🚀 Transitive Import Repair Tool
07 June 2023
The CLI in ion-schema-kotlin
now includes a command for repairing schemas that rely on the bug that allowed transitive imports.
Ion Schema Rust 0.5.0 Released
13 September 2022
Ion Schema Rust 0.5.0 is now available. This beta release includes all the functionalities of Ion Schema as per the Ion Schema 1.0 specification.
New tool: Ion Schema Sandbox
12 September 2022
A browser-based sandbox environment for Ion Schema has been added to the Ion Schema website.
Visit the News page for more announcements related to Ion Schema.
Ion Schema Example
name: Person,
type: struct,
fields: {
title: {
type: symbol,
valid_values: [Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Mx, Dr],
firstName: { type: string, occurs: required },
middleName: string,
lastName: { type: string, occurs: required },
age: { type: int, valid_values: range::[0, 130] },
The following values are valid for the type Person
firstName: "Susan",
lastName: "Jones",
title: Mr,
firstName: "Jonah",
middleName: "Q.",
lastName: "Smith",
age: 34,
The following values are not valid for the type Person
firstName: "Cathy", // lastName is required
title: Prof, // Prof is not a valid value for the title field
firstName: "Jasmine",
lastName: "Bradford",
firstName: "Shami",
lastName: "Ahmed",
age: 131, // age must be between 0 and 130, inclusive