Using Ion Schema Schemas for syntactical validation of your schemas

(Applies to Ion Schema 1.0 using ion-schema-kotlin v1.2.1 or later.)

Ion-schema-schemas has Ion schemas that describe a valid Ion schema. These schemas can be used to help validate your own schemas as part of your build process.

Here is an example automated test using Kotlin and JUnit4.

import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized

class MySchemasTest(val file: File) {

    companion object {
        private val ION = IonSystemBuilder.standard().build()
        private val ISS = IonSchemaSystemBuilder.standard()
        private val schemaType = ISS.loadSchema("isl/schema.isl").getType("schema")!!

        @Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{0} is syntactically valid")
        fun getSchemas(): Iterable<Array<out Any>> = File("my-schemas-base-directory/").walk()
            .filter { it.isFile && it.path.endsWith(".isl") }
            .map { arrayOf(it) }

    fun testSchema() {
        val mySchemaIon = ION.loader.load(file)
        val violations = schemaType.validate(mySchemaIon)
        Assert.assertTrue(violations.toString(), violations.isValid())

Note—there are some problems, such as duplicate type names or unresolvable imports, that cannot be caught by the Ion Schema schemas.