Expressing logical relationships between fields

(Applies to Ion Schema 1.0 and Ion Schema 2.0.)

Sometimes you may need to model logical relationships between fields. Consider the following:

  name: Address,
  fields: {
    country: string,
    street: string,
    postal_code: string,
    zip: int,
    state: string,
    province: string,

The fields postal_code and province would be used for Canadian addresses, whereas state and zip would be used for US addresses. An address having a province and a state or a province and a zip would not be valid.

Sometimes these situations can be resolved by a careful rethinking of the data model. (In this case, one could create a field that represents a province or state and another field that can represent a postal code or zip code.) However, it is not always possible to modify the structure of the data if you already have data or if the data model is shared with other systems.

In many cases, it is possible (even preferable) to treat the type as a union of other types. For example, Address is union of USAddress and CanadianAddress.

  name: Address,
  one_of: [USAddress, CanadianAddress]
  name: USAddress,
  fields: {
    street: string,
    state: string,
    country: string,
    zip: int,
  name: CanadianAddress,
  fields: {
    street: string,
    province: string,
    country: string,
    postal_code: string,

Advanced cases

If the logical relationships in your data model are not easily described as a union of other types, or you are having difficulty determining how to break down the sub-types of the union, you can follow these steps to express the relationships in ISL.

  1. Write down the relationships as a propositional logic statement: (zip ↔ state) AND (province ↔ postal_code) AND (state ↔ ~province)
  2. Convert the statement to Disjunctive Normal Form: (zip AND state AND ~province AND ~postal_code) OR (~zip AND ~state AND province AND postal_code)
  3. Convert each conjunction to an ISL inline type and combine in an any_of constraint.
  name: Address,
  fields: {
    country: string,
    street: string,
    postal_code: string,
    zip: int,
    state: string,
    province: string,
  any_of: [
    { fields: { zip: {occurs:required}, state: {occurs:required}, postal_code: nothing, province: nothing } },
    { fields: { zip: nothing, state: nothing, postal_code: {occurs:required}, province: {occurs:required} } }

Here are some more examples demonstrating how propositional logic can be represented as ISL.

  name: a_or_b, // A V B
  type: struct,
  any_of: [
    { fields: { a: { occurs: required } } },
    { fields: { b: { occurs: required } } }

  name: a_implies_b, // A → B ≡ A' V B
  type: struct,
  any_of: [
    { fields: { a: nothing } },
    { fields: { b: { occurs: required } } }

name: a_implies_not_b, // A → B' ≡ A' V B'
  type: struct,
  any_of: [
    { fields: { a: nothing } },
    { fields: { b: nothing } }

  name: a_iff_b, // A ↔ B ≡ (A Λ B) V (A' Λ B')
  type: struct,
  any_of: [
    { fields: { a: { occurs: required }, b: { occurs: required } } },
    { fields: { a: nothing, b: nothing } }

  name: a_xor_b, // A ↔ B' ≡ (A Λ B') V (A' Λ B)
  type: struct,
  any_of: [
    { fields: { a: { occurs: required } , b: nothing } },
    { fields: { a: nothing, b: { occurs: required } } },

This strategy can be applied just as easily to elements in a list.

  name: contains_a_implies_contains_b,
  type: list,
  any_of: [
    { not: { contains: [A] } },
    { contains: [B] }