Ion Schema Specification 2.0

About This Document

This specification defines a means to express constraints over the Ion data model. The universe of values in the Ion data model is narrowed by defining types with constraints, then determining whether a value is valid for a particular type. Types are expressed with the Ion Schema Language (ISL), which consists of the syntax, constraints, and grammar presented in this document.

Ion Schema 2.0 builds upon the Ion Schema 1.0 specification, adding the changes from RFC: Ion Schema 2.0. This document does not assume that the reader is familiar with the Ion Schema 1.0 specification.


This document provides snippets of a BNF-style grammar for the Ion Schema Language. This grammar is intended as a learning aid and is not authoritative. The full BNF-style grammar can be found here along with a discussion of the grammar’s known limitations.




<HEADER> ::= schema_header::{ <HEADER_FIELD>... }


<FOOTER> ::= schema_footer::{ }

A schema is a collection of types that can be used to constrain the Ion data model.

A schema consists of a schema version marker $ion_schema_2_0 followed by an optional schema header, zero or more type definitions, and an optional schema footer. The schema header is a struct, annotated with schema_header, with an optional imports field for leveraging types from other schemas. The schema header may also have an optional user_reserved_fields field that is used to declared reserved symbols that are to be used for open content fields. The schema footer is a struct that it annotated with schema_footer. The schema footer is optional and can be used to delimit the end of a schema when a schema is embedded in a larger Ion stream. A schema may not have more than one header or more than one footer.

Example: An Ion Schema 2.0 schema with one type and no header

  name: positive_int,
  type: int,
  valid_values: range::[1, max],

Version Marker

<ISL_VERSION_MARKER> ::= $ion_schema_2_0

The Ion Schema version marker for Ion Schema 2.0 is $ion_schema_2_0. The Ion Schema version marker is the first element in the schema document, before any type or schema_header structs or any open content. Any non-Ion-Schema values (i.e. open content) before the Ion Schema version marker are not part of the schema; implementations MAY choose to surface these values, but are not required to do so. If any Ion Schema value (i.e. a schema header or a type) appears before or without a version marker, then that schema is an Ion Schema 1.0 document, and it must follow the Ion Schema 1.0 specification. If any Ion Schema version marker is found after the first value of the schema document, it is invalid and will result in an error as required by ISL Versioning § Requirements for Ion Schema Implementations.


<IMPORTS_DECLARATION> ::= imports: [ <IMPORT>... ],

           | <IMPORT_TYPE>
           | <IMPORT_TYPE_ALIAS>


<IMPORT_TYPE> ::= { id: <SCHEMA_ID>, type: <TYPE_NAME> }

<IMPORT_TYPE_ALIAS> ::= { id: <SCHEMA_ID>, type: <TYPE_NAME>, as: <TYPE_NAME> }

An import allows types from other schemas to be used within a schema definition. An import that only specifies an id makes all the types from that schema available for use in the current schema. Specifying a type narrows the import to that single type, and a type may be imported with a different name by specifying: as: <TYPE_ALIAS>. The core types and Ion types are implicitly imported before any specified imports; specified imports are performed in order. Once an implementation has finished loading a schema, if any imports could not be resolved, it must result in an error. If two types with the same name are imported, or if a type defined within a schema has the same name as an imported type, this must result in an error. Only named types of a schema may be imported in another schema. Types may only be imported from the schema where they are declared; importing a type to a schema does not make that type transitively available to any other schemas.

Example: A schema that imports a type from other schema

Suppose we create a schema integers.isl with the following content:


  name: positive_int,
  type: int,
  valid_values: range::[1, max],

  name: negative_int,
  type: int,
  valid_values: range::[min, -1],

We can use the types defined in integers.isl in another schema by importing the specific types that we want to use. When importing types by name, we can specify an alias to improve readability or to avoid a naming conflict with another type that has the same name.


  imports: [
    { id: "integers.isl", type: positive_int },
    { id: "integers.isl", type: negative_int },
    { id: "integers.isl", type: positive_int, as: positive_int_by_another_name },

  name: non_zero_int,
  one_of: [

  name: non_negative_int,
  one_of: [
    { valid_values: [0] }

Schema Authorities

The structure of an id string is defined by the schema authority responsible for the schema/type(s) being imported. Note that runtime resolution of a schema over a network presents availability and security risks that must be taken into consideration.

When resolving a schema, authorities may choose to follow well-known patterns; for example:


The Ion Schema type system is a hybrid of nominal and structural typing. All Ion values are nominally one of the types defined in the Ion data model. Beyond that, a value (or stream of values) may belong to one or more structural types.

Built-in Types

Ion Schema has several built-in types that are implicitly imported before any other imports are handled.

The nominal Ion types are prefixed with $, and correspond precisely with the types defined by the Ion data model. For example, $int contains all non-null, Ion int values as well as (As in the Ion data model, the presence or absence of annotations does not affect the nominal type for a given value, so or with any other list of annotations is also in $int.) The type $null contains only null.null (which is equivalent to null). The nominal Ion types are $blob, $bool, $clob, $decimal, $float, $int, $null, $string, $symbol, $timestamp, $list, $sexp, and $struct.

Ion Schema adds one more nominal type, document, which is a stream of top-level Ion values. Ion Schema implementations may represent this stream as a list, sequence, array, or other similar data structure depending on what is idiomatic for the language in which it is implemented.

In addition, Ion Schema provides the following structural types:

Type Definitions



A type consists of a collection of zero or more constraints. The set of values which belong to a type is the intersection of the values that satisfy each constraint. In order for a value to be a valid instance of a type, the value must not violate any of the type’s constraints. A type definition with no constraints is equivalent to $any.

Declaring a Type Name

A named type definition is a special case of type definition. A named type definition must be a top-level value in the schema document that is annotated with type. A named type definition must contain the field name, where the value is an Ion symbol that is to be the name of the type. All other type definitions must not declare a name.

Example: Named Type Definitions

This is a trivial example of a named type—we are creating a type named foo. Since it has no constraints, it is equivalent to the type $any.

  name: foo,

You will almost always want to add constraints to your named types, as in this example of a positive_int type.

  name: positive_int,
  type: int,
  valid_values: range::[1, max],

Type Arguments

<TYPE_ARGUMENT> ::=           <TYPE_NAME>
                  | $null_or::<TYPE_NAME>
                  |           <INLINE_TYPE_DEFINITION>
                  | $null_or::<INLINE_TYPE_DEFINITION>
                  |           <IMPORT_TYPE>
                  | $null_or::<IMPORT_TYPE>


<IMPORT_TYPE> ::= { id: <SCHEMA_ID>, type: <TYPE_NAME> }

Some constraints accept a type or list of types as their argument. A type argument can be a reference to a named type, an inline import of a type from another schema, or an inline definition of a new type.

Example: Reference to a Named Type
  name: foo,
  type: $null_or::int

  name: bar,
  // The `list` symbol is a reference to a built-in type
  type: list,
  // The `foo` symbol is a reference to the previous type
  element: foo,
Example: Inline Import
  name: bar,
  type: list,
  // This imports the type `foo` from the schema `other_schema.isl`
  element: { id: "other_schema.isl", type: foo },
Example: Inline Type Definition
  name: bar,
  type: list,
  // This is a type definition that is inlined in the element constraint
  element: { 
    type: string,
    codepoint_length: 10

Nullable Type Arguments

As a convenience, Ion Schema provides syntactical sugar for handling nullable values. The $null_or annotation modifies a type argument to also allow the null (or null.null) value. The $null_or annotation may not be added to top-level type definitions; it is only applicable to type arguments. When the $null_or annotation is present on any type argument, it SHALL be evaluated equivalently to the union of $null and the annotated type.

For example, to allow null or any non-null integer value, you would use $null_or::int. To allow null,, or any non-null integer value, you would use $null_or::$int. To allow null or any positive integer, you would use $null_or::{ type: int, valid_values: range::[1, max] }.

Example: Nullable Type Argument

The following types are equivalent.

  name: foo,
  type: $null_or::int
  name: bar,
  type: { one_of:[$null, int] }

Variably-Occurring Type Arguments

Some constraints allow a quantity to be specified along with a type argument. The quantity is given by the occurs field, and the field value can be one of optional, required, a non-negative integer, or an integer range.

                                     | <TYPE_ARGUMENT>

<OCCURS> ::= occurs: <INT>
           | occurs: <RANGE_INT>
           | occurs: optional
           | occurs: required

While it is valid for a constraint to be repeated, occurs is not a constraint and may not appear more than once in any type definition. The field occurs is never allowed in a NAMED_TYPE_DEFINITION.

The occurs field is optional. Each constraint that accepts a variably-occurring type argument specifies what the default occurs value is for that constraint.

It is permitted to use a nullable type argument wherever a variably-occurring type argument is accepted. However, the $null_or annotation may not be applied to any variably-occurring type argument with an explicit occurs field.

Example: Correct ways to construct a variably-occurring, nullable type
  name: foo,
    // These are all valid
    $null_or::{ codepoint_length: 5 },
    $null_or::{ id: "bar_schema.isl", type: bar_type },
    { type: $null_or::int, occurs: 3 },
    // This is not permitted
    // $null_or::{ type: int, occurs: 3 },


Constraints are the fundamental building blocks of types. Each constraint is a rule that restricts the values that are valid for the type.

The order of constraints does not matter. Constraints can be repeated, and when they are, all instances of the constraint will apply.

Generally speaking, constraints must reject null values as invalid. For example, the precision and scale constraints must reject a null value, as null does not have a precision or scale to evaluate. The fields constraint must reject null.struct, as null.struct does not have a collection of fields. Similar reasoning applies to the expected handling of null values by most constraints. The contains, annotations, valid_values, and type-algebra constraints are exceptions to this, as these constraints may be defined such that a null value is valid.


              | range::[ min, <EXCLUSIVITY><INT> ]
              | range::[ <EXCLUSIVITY><INT>, max ]

                 | range::[ min, <EXCLUSIVITY><NUMBER> ]
                 | range::[ <EXCLUSIVITY><NUMBER>, max ]

                    | range::[ min, <EXCLUSIVITY><TIMESTAMP> ]
                    | range::[ <EXCLUSIVITY><TIMESTAMP>, max ]

                              | range::[ min, <EXCLUSIVITY><TIMESTAMP_PRECISION_VALUE> ]
                              | range::[ <EXCLUSIVITY><TIMESTAMP_PRECISION_VALUE>, max ]

           | <FLOAT>
           | <INT>

<EXCLUSIVITY> ::= exclusive::
                | ""

Some constraints can be defined by a range. A range is represented by a list annotated with range, and containing two values, in order: the minimum and maximum ends of the range. The default behavior is for both ends of the range to be inclusive; if exclusive behavior is desired, the minimum or maximum (or both) values shall be annotated with exclusive. If the minimum or maximum end of a range is to be unspecified, this shall be represented by the symbols min or max, respectively. The symbols min and max may not be annotated with exclusive, and a range may not contain both min and max.

All ranges have a type. The type of the range is the same as that of the minimum and/or maximum values specified in the range list. If both a minimum and maximum values are specified (i.e. min and max are not used), then both of those values must be of the same type. (For example, range::[1995-12-06T, 55.4] mixes values of the timestamp and number types, and therefore is not a valid range.)


<ALL_OF> ::= all_of: [ <TYPE_ARGUMENT>... ]

Value must be valid for all the types listed. The list of types must not be empty.

Example: all_of constraint
  name: Duck,
  all_of: [


<ANNOTATIONS> ::= annotations: <ANNOTATIONS_MODIFIER>... [ <SYMBOL>... ]
                | annotations: <TYPE_ARGUMENT>

                         | closed::

Restricts the allowed annotations on a value. Applicable to all types except document. A document does not have a list of annotations (not even an empty list); therefore, a document must always be rejected by the annotations constraint.

This constraint has two available syntaxes. The “Standard” syntax is very expressive, but can be verbose for simple use cases. The “Simple” syntax is based on the Ion Schema 1.0 annotations syntax, and is concise, but only supports a limited set of use cases.

Standard Syntax

The annotations constraint specifies the type and/or constraints for all annotations of a value. The annotations themselves are symbols tokens but will be considered a non-null list of non-null, un-annotated symbol values for the purpose of validation. The list of annotation symbols must match the given type.

Example: annotations constraint; standard syntax
// Annotations must contain "red" and "blue" in any order, and may contain other annotations, such as "yellow"
annotations: { contains: [red, blue] }                   

// Only the annotations "red" and "blue" are permitted, but they are not required
annotations: { element: { valid_values: [red, blue] } }  

// No annotations are permitted
annotations: { container_length: 0 }                     

// Annotations must match the regex
annotations: { element: { regex: "\\w+(\\.\\w+)" } }   

// Each annotation must not be more than 8 bytes when encoded as UTF8
annotations: { element: { utf8_byte_length: range::[min,8] } }     

// Value must have the annotation "foo", optionally followed by one more annotation which can be anything
annotations: { ordered_elements: [ { valid_values: [foo] }, { occurs: optional, type: any } ]

Simple Syntax

Argument may be a list of allowed annotation symbols. The annotations are required to be present on the value if the list is annotated with required Additional annotations can be prevented by adding the closed annotation to the list of valid annotations. The list must be annotated with at least one of closed or required. Repeated symbols in the list have no effect; the list should be treated as if it were a set.

While similar to annotations in Ion Schema 1.0, it differs in the following ways:

Example: annotations constraint; simplified syntax
annotations: required::[red, blue]                // Annotations must contain "red" and "blue" in any order, and may contain other annotations, such as "yellow"
annotations: closed::required::[red, green, blue] // Annotations must contain exactly "red", "green", and "blue" in any order
annotations: closed::[red, blue]                  // Only the annotations "red" and "blue" are permitted, but they are not required
annotations: closed::[]                           // No annotations are permitted

Anything that can be represented by the simplified syntax can also be represented by the standard syntax.


<ANY_OF> ::= any_of: [ <TYPE_ARGUMENT>... ]

The value must match any of the specified types. The list of types must not be empty.

Example: any_of constraint
  name: placeholder


<BYTE_LENGTH> ::= byte_length: <INT>
                | byte_length: <RANGE_INT>

The exact or minimum/maximum number of bytes in a blob or clob. Note that this constrains the number of bytes in the blob or clob value, which differs from the number of bytes needed to serialize the blob/clob. For example, the clob {{"hello"}} has a byte_length of 5 bytes, but the actual number of bytes in the serialized representation is 11 bytes. The same clob value, could also be encoded as {{ '''hello''' }}, and it would still have a byte_length of 5 bytes, but the actual number of bytes in the serialized representation is now 17 bytes. The values null.blob and null.clob do not have a length of 0. Rather, they have no length at all, and are always invalid for this constraint.


<CODEPOINT_LENGTH> ::= codepoint_length: <INT>
                     | codepoint_length: <RANGE_INT>

The exact or minimum/maximum number of Unicode codepoints in a string or symbol. Note that characters are a complex topic in Unicode, whereas codepoints provide an unambiguous unit for constraining the length of a string or symbol. The values null.string and null.symbol do not have a sequence of codepoints, and are always invalid for this constraint.


<CONTAINER_LENGTH> ::= container_length: <INT>
                     | container_length: <RANGE_INT>

Applicable for list, sexp, struct, and document values.

The exact or minimum/maximum number of elements in a list, S-expression or document, or fields in a struct. The values null.list, null.sexp, and null.struct do not have a length of 0. Rather, they have no length at all, and are always invalid for this constraint.


<CONTAINS> ::= contains: [ <VALUE>... ]

Indicates that the list, sexp, struct, or document is expected to contain all the specified values, in no particular order. If a value is specified more than once, the repeated instances of the value have no effect.


<ELEMENT> ::= element: <TYPE_ARGUMENT>
            | element: distinct::<TYPE_ARGUMENT>

Defines the type and/or constraints for all values within a homogeneous list, S-expression, document, or struct.

The distinct annotation on the type argument indicates that the constraint should not allow repeated elements within the container. For the purpose of this constraint, the comparison of the values (including any annotations) in the container is governed by the equivalence rules defined by the Ion data model.


<EXPONENT> ::= exponent: <INT>
             | exponent: <RANGE_INT>

This constraint specifies an exact or minimum/maximum range indicating the exponent of an Ion decimal. The exponent of an Ion decimal is determined from the decimal data model rather than the serialized text or binary form. For example, the text of 1.23, 123d-2, and 0.123d1 are different, but using the decimal data model, they all have the same coefficient (123) and exponent (-2).

Remember that decimal values with digits after the decimal point have a negative exponent, so to require at least two digits after the decimal point, you must specify exponent: range::[min, -2].

Converting from Ion Schema 1.0 scale to exponent

The exponent constraint replaces the scale constraint found in ISL 1.0. To convert a from scale to exponent, simply multiply a single argument by -1 (e.g. scale: 4 becomes exponent: -4) or reflect the range relative to 0 (e.g. scale: range::[min, 5] becomes exponent: range::[-5, max]).


<FIELD_NAMES> ::= field_names: <TYPE_ARGUMENT>
                | field_names: distinct::<TYPE_ARGUMENT>

Applicable for struct values.

The field_names constraint defines the type and/or constraints for all field names within a struct. Field names are symbol tokens and will be represented as symbol values for the purpose of validation. Any value that is not a struct, as well as null.struct, will always be invalid for this constraint.

The distinct annotation on the type argument indicates that the constraint should not allow field names to be repeated within a single struct.


<FIELDS> ::= fields: { <FIELD>... }
           | fields: closed::{ <FIELD>... }


The fields constraint is a collection of field definitions—a field name and an associated type—that constrain the values in a struct.

The values for all occurrences of a field name must match the associated type. Ion structs allow field names to be repeated, and a field definition applies to all occurrences of a field name in the value being validated. In addition, the number of times that a field name may occur can be specified with occurs. (See §Variably-Occurring Type Arguments.) If a field definition does not specify a value for occurs, the field may occur zero or one times. The fields constraint may not have multiple definitions for a given field name—i.e. field names may not be repeated within a single instance of the fields constraint.

The default behavior for fields is to allow additional content beyond what is explicitly specified. Annotating the fields struct with closed:: indicates that only fields that are explicitly specified should be allowed.


<IEEE754_FLOAT> ::= ieee754_float: binary16
                  | ieee754_float: binary32
                  | ieee754_float: binary64

The ieee754_float constraint allows you to test whether a float value is losslessly compatible with the given IEEE 754 interchange format. Any value that is not an Ion float is invalid, and null.float is invalid. The special values nan, +inf, and -inf are always valid. For numeric values, a value is valid if and only if it can be losslessly converted from the Ion representation to the specified float representation, and back to the Ion representation.


<NOT> ::= not: <TYPE_ARGUMENT>

Value must not be valid for the type.


<ONE_OF> ::= one_of: [ <TYPE_ARGUMENT>... ]

Value must be valid for exactly one of the types. The list of types must not be empty.



Defines constraints over a list of values in a heterogeneous list, S-expression, or document. Each value in a list, S-expression, or document is expected to be valid against the type in the corresponding position of the specified types list. Each type is implicitly defined with occurs: 1—behavior which may be overridden. (See §Variably-Occurring Type Arguments.)

When specified, this constraint fully defines the content of a list, S-expression, or document—open content is not allowed.


<PRECISION> ::= precision: <INT>
              | precision: <RANGE_INT>

Applicable for decimal. An exact or minimum/maximum indicating the number of digits in the unscaled value of a decimal. The minimum precision must be greater than or equal to 1.


<REGEX> ::= regex: <STRING>
          | regex: i::<STRING>
          | regex: m::<STRING>
          | regex: i::m::<STRING>

Tests whether a symbol or string has any matches for the given regular expression. The regular expression is a string that conforms to a RegularExpressionBody defined by ECMA 262 Regular Expressions. Regular expressions shall be limited to the following features:

  Unicode codepoints match themselves
. any codepoint
[abc] codepoint class
[a-z] range codepoint class
[a-cABC\d] union codepoint class
[^abc] complemented codepoint class
[^a-z] complemented range codepoint class
[^a-cABC\d] complemented union codepoint class
^ anchor at the beginning of the input
$ anchor at the end of the input
(...) grouping
| alternation
? zero or one
* zero or more
+ one or more
{x} exactly x occurrences
{x,} at least x occurrences
{x,y} at least x and at most y occurrences

Regular expression flags may be specified as annotations on the regular expression string; supported flags shall include:

i case insensitive
m ^ and $ match at line breaks

The following classes are provided:

\d digit: [0-9]
\D non-digit
\s whitespace: [ \f\n\r\t]
\S non-whitespace
\w word character: [A-Za-z0-9_]
\W non-word character

The following characters may be escaped with a backslash: . ^ $ | ? * + \ [ ] ( ) { }. Note that in Ion text a backslash must itself be escaped, so correct escaping of these characters requires two backslashes, e.g.: \\..


<TIMESTAMP_OFFSET> ::= timestamp_offset: [ "[+|-]hh:mm"... ]

Limits the timestamp offsets that are allowed. An offset is specified as a string of the form "[+|-]hh:mm", where hh is a two-digit number between 00 and 23, inclusive, and mm is a two-digit number between 00 and 59, inclusive. The offset "+00:00" is equivalent to Z. The offset "-00:00" represents unknown local offset. For more details about offsets, see the Ion Specification – Timestamps.


                        | timestamp_precision: <RANGE_TIMESTAMP_PRECISION>

                              | month
                              | day
                              | minute
                              | second
                              | millisecond
                              | microsecond
                              | nanosecond

                              | range::[ min, <EXCLUSIVITY><TIMESTAMP_PRECISION_VALUE> ]
                              | range::[ <EXCLUSIVITY><TIMESTAMP_PRECISION_VALUE>, max ]

Indicates the exact or minimum/maximum precision of a timestamp. Timestamp precision ranges follow the rules set out in §Ranges. Valid timestamp precision values are, in order of increasing precision: year, month, day, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond, and nanosecond.


<TYPE> ::= type: <TYPE_ARGUMENT>

Indicates the type that a value shall be validated against.


<UTF8_BYTE_LENGTH> ::= utf8_byte_length: <INT>
                     | utf8_byte_length: <RANGE_INT>

An exact or minimum/maximum indicating number of bytes in the UTF-8 encoding of a string or symbol. The values null.string and null.symbol have no UTF-8 encoding and are always invalid for this constraint.


<VALID_VALUES> ::= valid_values: [ <VALUE_OR_RANGE>... ]
                 | valid_values: <RANGE_NUMBER>
                 | valid_values: <RANGE_TIMESTAMP>

                   | <RANGE_NUMBER>
                   | <RANGE_TIMESTAMP>

A list of acceptable values or ranges of values; any values not present in the list (or range) are invalid. The argument to this constraint can be a range or a list of unannotated values or a list containing a mix of ranges and unannotated values.

Ignoring annotations, the value must match one of the list of valid values or be within the boundaries of a range. Whether a particular value matches a specified value is governed by the equivalence rules defined by the Ion data model. For example, 1.230 is not valid for valid_values: [1.23], as it has a different precision. While these may be mathematically equal values, they are not equivalent data. In particular, note that nan is valid for valid_values: [nan] because in the Ion data model, all valid Ion encodings of nan are equivalent data.

For numeric and timestamp types, valid_values may optionally be defined as a range. Numeric and timestamp ranges follow all the rules specified in §Ranges.

A number range includes all values of any numeric type (i.e. float, int, and decimal) that fall within that range mathematically. When testing a value for inclusion, the range bounds and the value that is being tested will all be converted to decimal values for the sake of comparison. number ranges do not include values of any other type. The float type includes special non-number values (nan, +inf, and -inf). Attempting to use a non-number value as the bound of a number range will result in an error. When tested for inclusion in a number range, the non-number float values are always outside the bounds of the number range, even when one of the range bounds is min or max. Number-typed null values are never valid for any number range.

A timestamp range includes any timestamp that falls between the minimum and maximum in chronological order. All timestamp values represent an instant in time. A timestamp with limited precision (for example, a year-only timestamp like 2007T) maps to an instant by assuming that all unspecified time unit fields are effectively zero (or one for the month and day units). 2007T would map to the instant represented by 2007-01-01T00:00.000-00:00. Note that timestamp values that do not have a time component (that is YYYYT, YYYY-MMT, and YYYY-MM-DDT timestamps) have an unknown offset (-00:00). Timestamps that have an unknown offset are UTC timestamps that make no assertion about the offset in which they occurred. The value null.timestamp is never in the bounds of a timestamp range, and timestamp ranges do not include values of any other type.

Open Content


                                           | type: [ <SYMBOL>... ],
                                           | schema_footer: [ <SYMBOL>... ],

The Ion Schema 2.0 specification allows users to insert additional content that is not part of the Ion Schema language into a schema document. This additional content may be used for documentation, integrations with other tools or frameworks, or any other desired purpose.

A schema header, type definition, or schema footer may include extra fields that are not explicitly stated in the Ion Schema specification. These extra fields may have any field name that is not a keyword. If the field name is a reserved symbol, its use as open content must be declared in the appropriate subfield of the user_reserved_fields field in the schema header. For example, the reserved symbol list_type may be used in a type definition if user_reserved_fields: { type: [ list_type ] } is present in the schema header.

Example: A schema with open content using reserved symbols as open content field names.
  info: "This schema is about penguins.",
  user_reserved_fields: {
    schema_header: [info],
    type: [region, crested, banded],
  name: adelie,
  type: penguin,
  region: antarctica,
  crested: false,
  banded: false,
  name: humboldt,
  type: penguin,
  region: south_america,
  crested: false,
  banded: true,

Top-level open content may appear before, after, or in between the Ion Schema version marker, header, types, and footer. Top-level open content may appear after the Ion Schema version marker and before, between, or after any header, types, or footer. However, any open content that appears before the Ion Schema version marker or after the schema footer is not strictly part of the schema; implementations MAY surface such values, but are not required to do so. Note that a top-level symbol value with the same text as an Ion schema version marker is always interpreted as an Ion Schema version marker and can never be valid open content.

Example: A schema with open content using un-reserved symbols as open content field names, and top-level open content displaying the author’s excitement and love for the subject.


$note_to_self::"I really like penguins. Get ready!"

  _info: "This schema is about penguins."

(I <3 Penguins!)

  name: adelie,
  type: penguin,
  _region: antarctica,
  _crested: false,
  _banded: false,

"I have watched many penguin documentaries and know many facts about penguins."

  name: humboldt,
  type: penguin,
  _region: south_america,
  _crested: false,
  _banded: true,

  q: "What is the biggest extant species of penguin?",
  a: "The emperor penguin."

'''Add definitions for southern rockhopper penguins, emperor penguins, king '''
'''penguins, gentoo penguins, chinstrap penguins, and macaroni penguins.    '''

[ "Goodbye" ]

No other open content is allowed except for what is explicitly identified in this section.

Reserved Symbols

The set of reserved symbols SHALL be all symbols matching the regular expression ^(\$ion_schema(_.*)?|[a-z][a-z0-9]*(_[a-z0-9]+)*)$. Informally stated, this is the symbol $ion_schema, all symbols starting with $ion_schema_, and all identifier symbols that are snake case and start with an unaccented ascii, lower-case letter.


A keyword is a reserved symbol that has been assigned a meaning by the Ion Schema specification. The following is a list of all keywords in Ion Schema 2.0. The keywords in this list are case-sensitive, so ALL_OF, for example, is not a keyword.


Compatibility with Ion Schema 1.0

Ion Schema 2.0 will be fully interoperable with Ion Schema 1.0.

Change Log

This is a list of all non-trivial changes to this document since it was first published. For a complete list of changes, refer to the commit history at amazon-ion/ion-schema.