Ion C
C library for Ion
No Matches
ion_reader.h File Reference
#include "ion_types.h"
#include "ion_stream.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  _ion_reader_context_change_notifier
struct  _ion_reader_options


typedef iERR(* ION_READER_CONTEXT_CALLBACK) (void *context, ION_COLLECTION *imports)
typedef struct _ion_reader_context_change_notifier ION_READER_CONTEXT_CHANGE_NOTIFIER
typedef struct _ion_reader_options ION_READER_OPTIONS


ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_open_buffer (hREADER *p_hreader, BYTE *buffer, SIZE buf_length, ION_READER_OPTIONS *p_options)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_open_stream (hREADER *p_hreader, void *handler_state, ION_STREAM_HANDLER fn_input_handler, ION_READER_OPTIONS *p_options)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_reset_stream (hREADER *p_hreader, void *handler_state, ION_STREAM_HANDLER fn_input_handler)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_reset_stream_with_length (hREADER *p_hreader, void *handler_state, ION_STREAM_HANDLER fn_input_handler, POSITION length)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_open (hREADER *p_hreader, ION_STREAM *p_stream, ION_READER_OPTIONS *p_options)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_catalog (hREADER hreader, hCATALOG *p_hcatalog)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_seek (hREADER hreader, POSITION offset, SIZE length)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_set_symbol_table (hREADER hreader, hSYMTAB hsymtab)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_value_offset (hREADER hreader, POSITION *p_offset)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_value_position (hREADER hreader, int64_t *p_offset, int32_t *p_line, int32_t *p_col_offset)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_value_length (hREADER hreader, SIZE *p_length)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_symbol_table (hREADER hreader, hSYMTAB *p_hsymtab)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_next (hREADER hreader, ION_TYPE *p_value_type)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_step_in (hREADER hreader)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_step_out (hREADER hreader)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_depth (hREADER hreader, SIZE *p_depth)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_type (hREADER hreader, ION_TYPE *p_value_type)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_has_any_annotations (hREADER hreader, BOOL *p_has_any_annotations)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_has_annotation (hREADER hreader, iSTRING annotation, BOOL *p_annotation_found)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_is_null (hREADER hreader, BOOL *p_is_null)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_is_in_struct (hREADER preader, BOOL *p_is_in_struct)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_field_name (hREADER hreader, iSTRING p_str)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_field_name_symbol (hREADER hreader, ION_SYMBOL **p_psymbol)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_annotations (hREADER hreader, iSTRING p_strs, SIZE max_count, SIZE *p_count)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_annotation_symbols (hREADER hreader, ION_SYMBOL *p_symbols, SIZE max_count, SIZE *p_count)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_annotation_count (hREADER hreader, SIZE *p_count)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_an_annotation (hREADER hreader, int idx, iSTRING p_strs)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_an_annotation_symbol (hREADER hreader, int idx, ION_SYMBOL *p_symbol)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_null (hREADER hreader, ION_TYPE *p_value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_bool (hREADER hreader, BOOL *p_value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_int (hREADER hreader, int *p_value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_int32 (hREADER hreader, int32_t *p_value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_int64 (hREADER hreader, int64_t *p_value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_ion_int (hREADER hreader, ION_INT *p_value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_long (hREADER hreader, long *p_value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_double (hREADER hreader, double *p_value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_decimal (hREADER hreader, decQuad *p_value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_ion_decimal (hREADER hreader, ION_DECIMAL *p_value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_timestamp (hREADER hreader, iTIMESTAMP p_value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_ion_symbol (hREADER hreader, ION_SYMBOL *p_symbol)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_string_length (hREADER hreader, SIZE *p_length)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_string (hREADER hreader, iSTRING p_value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_partial_string (hREADER hreader, BYTE *p_buf, SIZE buf_max, SIZE *p_length)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_lob_size (hREADER hreader, SIZE *p_length)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_lob_bytes (hREADER hreader, BYTE *p_buf, SIZE buf_max, SIZE *p_length)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_lob_partial_bytes (hREADER hreader, BYTE *p_buf, SIZE buf_max, SIZE *p_length)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_position (hREADER hreader, int64_t *p_bytes, int32_t *p_line, int32_t *p_offset)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_close (hREADER hreader)

Typedef Documentation


typedef iERR(* ION_READER_CONTEXT_CALLBACK) (void *context, ION_COLLECTION *imports)

A function that may be called by the reader upon a change to the stream's symbol table context.

For example, an ION_READER_CONTEXT_CALLBACK function may be used to wrap ion_writer_add_imported_tables, with the user context pointing to a writer instance, in order to update the writer's symbol table context in lockstep with the reader.

context- User-provided context, e.g., a hWRITER.
imports- A collection of ION_SYMBOL_TABLE_IMPORT, representing the shared symbol tables in the new symbol table context.


Reader configuration data, could be supplied by user during reader creation time. All fields in the structure are defaulted to 0, except for the following:


Some field also has a range limit: #define MIN_ANNOTATION_LIMIT 1 #define MIN_WRITER_STACK_DEPTH 2 #define MIN_SYMBOL_THRESHOLD 32 #define MIN_CHUNK_THRESHOLD 32 #define MIN_ION_ALLOCATION_BLOCK_SIZE 32

Function Documentation

◆ ion_reader_close()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_close ( hREADER  hreader)

Closes a reader and releases associated memory. The caller is responsible for releasing the underlying buffer (if any). After calling this method the given handle will no longer be value.

hreadermust be a valid handle.

◆ ion_reader_get_position()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_position ( hREADER  hreader,
int64_t *  p_bytes,
int32_t *  p_line,
int32_t *  p_offset 

Gets the current position and if hreader is a text reader, also gets the line and column numbers.

Note that this is only useful for error reporting or debugging purposes about malformed Ion data, since the position reported by this function is unlikely to be pointed at the start of a value. To obtain the position of the current value from the reader to report the origin of semantic errors within well formed Ion data, see ion_reader_get_value_position.

◆ ion_reader_get_string_length()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_string_length ( hREADER  hreader,
SIZE *  p_length 

Determines the content of the current text value, which must be an Ion string or symbol. The reader retains ownership of the returned byte array, and the caller must copy the data out (if necessary) before moving the cursor.

hreadermust be a valid handle.
p_valuereceives the string information.

◆ ion_reader_get_symbol_table()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_symbol_table ( hREADER  hreader,
hSYMTAB *  p_hsymtab 

returns the current symbol table the value the reader is currently positioned on. This can be used to reset the readers symbol table is you wish to seek in a stream which contains multiple symbol tables. This symbol table handle can be used to call ion_reader_set_symbol_table.

◆ ion_reader_get_type()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_type ( hREADER  hreader,
ION_TYPE p_value_type 

Returns the type of the current value, or tid_none if no value has been assigned. (before next() is called)

◆ ion_reader_get_value_length()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_value_length ( hREADER  hreader,
SIZE *  p_length 

returns the length of the value the reader is currently positioned on. This length is appropriate to use later when calling ion_reader_seek to limit "over-reading" in the underlying stream which could result in errors that are not really of interest. NOTE: readers of text data will always set *p_length to -1 because text Ion data is not length-prefixed. When the reader may be reading text Ion data, the correct way to calculate a value's length is by subtracting the current value's offset (see ion_reader_get_value_offset) from the next value's offset. This technique will work for both binary and text Ion data.

◆ ion_reader_get_value_offset()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_value_offset ( hREADER  hreader,
POSITION *  p_offset 

returns the offset of the value the reader is currently positioned on. This offset is appropriate to use later to seek to.

◆ ion_reader_get_value_position()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_get_value_position ( hREADER  hreader,
int64_t *  p_offset,
int32_t *  p_line,
int32_t *  p_col_offset 

Gets the position of the current value in the reader.

The position of the current value is the first character of its Ion-text representation or (if present) the first character of the first annotation. This information is useful for reporting semantic errors to end-users when Ion-text files are used to express domain-specific language (DSL) scripts.

The numbers reported by this function (p_line) start at 1, while the column offset (p_col_offset) start at zero since it is the offset from the start of the line.

If the last call to ion_reader_next encountered a container terminator (], ) or }), instead of another value, the position reported is that of the terminator. Thus, it is possible to obtain the starting and ending positions of all containers.

If the last call to ion_reader_next encountered the end of file instead of another value, the position reported is that of the last character in the file.

If the reader is a binary reader, fails immediately and returns IERR_INVALID_ARG. If all that's desired is the offset of the value relative to the beginning of the buffer, please use ion_reader_get_value_offset, which works with both text and binary readers.

◆ ion_reader_next()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_next ( hREADER  hreader,
ION_TYPE p_value_type 

Returns the next ION_TYPE in the stream. In case of EOF, IERR_OK will be returned. p_value_type = tid_EOF.

p_value_typeION_TYPE (tid_EOF, tid_BOOL, etc, defined in ion_const.h). tid_EOF if EOF.

◆ ion_reader_open_buffer()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_open_buffer ( hREADER *  p_hreader,
BYTE *  buffer,
SIZE  buf_length,

Allocates a new reader consuming a given buffer of data.

p_hreaderwill receive a pointer to the new reader. It must be freed via ion_reader_close().
bufferthe Ion data to read, either UTF-8 text or binary. Must be a valid handle. The caller retains ownership of the buffer and must ensure that its data is unmodified until the reader is closed.
buf_lengththe length of the buffer
p_optionsmay be null, in that case, default value will be used.

◆ ion_reader_open_stream()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_open_stream ( hREADER *  p_hreader,
void *  handler_state,
ION_STREAM_HANDLER  fn_input_handler,

Create hREADER object, and associate it with the stream for reading.

The hREADER object itself does not have a read data buffer, it's using the buffer from handler_state, which usually contains a BYTE[].

hREADER object will invoke fn_input_handler to read from input data source (File, for example) and fill the BYTE[] in handler_state.

 typedef struct _test_file {
     FILE *in;
     int   block_size;
     BYTE *buffer;
 BYTE      g_buffer[1024];
 TEST_FILE g_test_file =
 iERR test_stream_handler(struct _ion_stream *pstream)
     TEST_FILE *tfile;
     SIZE len;
     tfile = (TEST_FILE *)pstream->handler_state;
     pstream->curr = tfile->buffer;
     len = fread( tfile->buffer, sizeof(*tfile->buffer), tfile->block_size, );
     if (len < 1) {
         pstream->limit = NULL;
     pstream->limit = pstream->curr + len;
 fstream = fopen(pathname, "r"); = fstream;
 ion_reader_open_stream(&reader, &g_test_file, test_stream_handler, NULL);
p_hreaderNewly created reader object will be stored here.
p_streamstream opened with ion_stream functions
p_optionsconst, Reader configuration data object, used while creating reader object.
IERR_OK if succeeded

◆ ion_reader_read_decimal()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_decimal ( hREADER  hreader,
decQuad *  p_value 
use of decQuads directly is deprecated. ION_DECIMAL should be used. See ion_reader_read_ion_decimal.

◆ ion_reader_read_int()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_int ( hREADER  hreader,
int *  p_value 

Read integer value from Ion stream. The size of the integer is sizeof(int) If the value in the Ion stream does not fit into the variable, it will return with IERR_NUMERIC_OVERFLOW.

◆ ion_reader_read_int32()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_int32 ( hREADER  hreader,
int32_t *  p_value 

Read integer value from Ion stream. The size of the integer is sizeof(int32_t) If the value in the Ion stream does not fit into the variable, it will return with IERR_NUMERIC_OVERFLOW.

◆ ion_reader_read_int64()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_int64 ( hREADER  hreader,
int64_t *  p_value 

Read integer value from Ion stream. The size of the integer is sizeof(int64_t) If the value in the Ion stream does not fit into the variable, it will return with IERR_NUMERIC_OVERFLOW.

◆ ion_reader_read_ion_int()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_ion_int ( hREADER  hreader,
ION_INT p_value 

Read integer value from Ion stream. This supports arbitary length integers defined by ion_int.

◆ ion_reader_read_ion_symbol()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_ion_symbol ( hREADER  hreader,
ION_SYMBOL p_symbol 

Read the current symbol value as an ION_SYMBOL.

◆ ion_reader_read_long()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_long ( hREADER  hreader,
long *  p_value 

Read integer value from Ion stream. The size of the integer is sizeof(long), which is 4 or 8 bytes depends on the OS If the value in the Ion stream does not fit into the variable, it will return with IERR_NUMERIC_OVERFLOW.

◆ ion_reader_read_timestamp()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_read_timestamp ( hREADER  hreader,
iTIMESTAMP  p_value 
IERR_NULL_VALUE if the current value is null.timestamp.

◆ ion_reader_reset_stream()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_reset_stream ( hREADER *  p_hreader,
void *  handler_state,
ION_STREAM_HANDLER  fn_input_handler 

Resets input stream for given reader.

readers' current stream would be closed and would be initialized with given stream. catalog, symbol table, dec_context & other reader defaults would be reused [

See also
_ion_reader_initialize impl.]
p_hreaderReader object for which input stream is to be reset
handler_stateObject that contains a buffer to store the read-in data from input stream.
fn_input_handlerFunction used to read from input stream and refill the buffer. the handler is responsible for settting start, curr and limit of reader object it may opt to change the handler_state if it wants to. on this first call it is actually handling whatever initialization it might need as well
IERR_OK if succeeded

◆ ion_reader_reset_stream_with_length()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_reset_stream_with_length ( hREADER *  p_hreader,
void *  handler_state,
ION_STREAM_HANDLER  fn_input_handler,
POSITION  length 

Resets input user-managed stream for given reader.

Readers' current stream would be closed and would be initialized with given stream. Resets the state of the reader to be at the top level. Symbol table and other reader state such as whether its a binary or a text reader is retained. A common pattern when using this interface would be to open the reader with a user-managed-stream, Then call ion_reader_next which will read the ion version marker and the initial local symbol table (if one is present). At that point the symbol table will be current. A later user-managed-stream seek is immediately followed by calling this API. This ensures symbol table is retained and reader/parser state is valid following the random jump; and parsing continues unhindered from thereon.

p_hreaderReader object for which input stream is to be reset
handler_stateObject that contains a buffer to store the read-in data from input stream.
fn_input_handlerFunction used to read from input stream and refill the buffer. the handler is responsible for setting start, curr and limit of reader object.
lengthLength of the user-managed-stream. An EOF by the reader when this length is reached.
IERR_OK if succeeded

◆ ion_reader_seek()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_seek ( hREADER  hreader,
POSITION  offset,
SIZE  length 

moves the stream position to the specified offset. Resets the the state of the reader to be at the top level. As long as the specified position is at the first byte of a top-level value (just before the type description byte) this will work neatly. Do not attempt to seek to a value below the top level, as the view of the data is likely to be invalid.

If a length is specified (default is -1 or no limit) eof will be returned when length bytes are consumed.

A common pattern when using this interface would be to open the reader from an in memory buffer stream or a seek-able file handle. Then call ion_reader_next which will read the ion version marker and the initial local symbol table (if one is present). At that point the symbol table will be current and later seek's will have an appropriate symbol table to use.

◆ ion_reader_set_symbol_table()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_reader_set_symbol_table ( hREADER  hreader,
hSYMTAB  hsymtab 

set the current symbol table to the table passed in. This can be used to reset the readers symbol table is you wish to seek in a stream which contains multiple symbol tables. This symbol table handle should be a handle returned by ion_reader_get_symbol_table.