This chapter presents Ion 1.1's domain grammar, by which we mean the grammar of the domain of values that drive Ion's encoding features.
We use a BNF-like notation for describing various syntactic parts of a document, including Ion data structures. In such cases, the BNF should be interpreted loosely to accommodate Ion-isms like commas and unconstrained ordering of struct fields.
document ::= ivm? segment*
ivm ::= '$ion_1_0' | '$ion_1_1'
segment ::= value* directive?
directive ::= ivm
| encoding-directive
| symtab-directive
symtab-directive ::= local-symbol-table ; As per the Ion 1.0 specification¹
encoding-directive ::= '$ion::(encoding ' module-name* ')'
¹Symbols – Local Symbol Tables.
module-body ::= import* inner-module* symbol-table? macro-table?
shared-module ::= '$ion_shared_module::' ivm '::(' catalog-key module-body ')'
import ::= '(import ' module-name catalog-key ')'
catalog-key ::= catalog-name catalog-version?
catalog-name ::= string
catalog-version ::= unannotated-uint ; must be positive
inner-module ::= '(module' module-name module-body ')'
module-name ::= unannotated-identifier-symbol
symbol-table ::= '(symbol_table' symbol-table-entry* ')'
symbol-table-entry ::= module-name | symbol-list
symbol-list ::= '[' symbol-text* ']'
symbol-text ::= symbol | string
macro-table ::= '(macro_table' macro-table-entry* ')'
macro-table-entry ::= macro-definition
| macro-export
| module-name
macro-export ::= '(export' qualified-macro-ref macro-name-declaration? ')'
Macro references
qualified-macro-ref ::= module-name '::' macro-ref
macro-ref ::= macro-name | macro-addr
qualified-macro-name ::= module-name '::' macro-name
macro-name ::= unannotated-identifier-symbol
macro-addr ::= unannotated-uint
Macro definitions
macro-definition ::= '(macro' macro-name-declaration signature tdl-expression ')'
macro-name-declaration ::= macro-name | 'null'
signature ::= '(' parameter* ')'
parameter ::= parameter-encoding? parameter-name parameter-cardinality?
parameter-encoding ::= (primitive-encoding-type | macro-name | qualified-macro-name)'::'
primitive-encoding-type ::= 'uint8' | 'uint16' | 'uint32' | 'uint64'
| 'int8' | 'int16' | 'int32' | 'int64'
| 'float16' | 'float32' | 'float64'
| 'flex_int' | 'flex_uint'
| 'flex_sym' | 'flex_string'
parameter-name ::= unannotated-identifier-symbol
parameter-cardinality ::= '!' | '*' | '?' | '+'
tdl-expression ::= operation | variable-expansion | ion-scalar | ion-container
operation ::= macro-invocation | special-form
variable-expansion ::= '(%' variable-name ')'
variable-name ::= unannotated-identifier-symbol
macro-invocation ::= '(.' macro-ref macro-arg* ')'
special-form ::= '(.' '$ion::'? special-form-name tdl-expression* ')'
special-form-name ::= 'for' | 'if_none' | 'if_some' | 'if_single' | 'if_multi'
macro-arg ::= tdl-expression | expression-group
expression-group ::= '(..' tdl-expression* ')'