Docs/ Symbols

Amazon Ion symbols are critical to the notation’s performance and space-efficiency. This page defines the various concepts and data structures related to symbol management.

Symbol Representations

In Ion binary, all symbols are represented as integers. These integers are symbol IDs whose corresponding text forms are defined by a symbol table.

In Ion text, symbols are represented in three ways:

A subset of identifiers have special meaning:

By convention, symbols starting with $ should be reserved for system tools, processing frameworks, and the like, and should be avoided by applications and end users. In particular, the symbol $ion and all symbols starting with $ion_ are reserved for use by the Ion notation and by related standards.

Processing of Symbol Tables

There are two kinds of symbol tables: shared and local.

A shared symbol table is intended for use from multiple data sources. Each shared table is uniquely identified by a (string) name and (int) version number. Shared symbol tables are key to the compactness of Ion binary data, extracting the text of frequently used symbols (field names, enumerations, keywords, etc.) out of individual documents and into a common data structure.

A system symbol table is a shared table with the name "$ion". Every version of the Ion notation maps to a specific version of the system symbol table.

A local symbol table is for the sole use of a well-defined scope of Ion data. Since it does not need to be referenced from other contexts, it has no name or version number. Local tables may import symbols defined in one or more shared tables or import the symbols in the previously defined local symbol table (but not both). Local tables also accumulate any other symbols encountered within their scoped data, such as when encoding Ion text into binary.

At any point during processing, there is a current symbol table, which is either a local symbol table or a system symbol table. At the start of input, the current symbol table is initialized to be the system symbol table for Ion 1.0. The current symbol table is only changed in two circumstances: (1) encountering a system identifier at the top-level, or (2) encountering a local symbol table at the top-level.

The Catalog

This specification refers to a “catalog”. That’s simply an abstraction for the set of available Ion shared symbol tables. It’s not necessarily a static set: one could implement a catalog that pulls symbol tables from a network repository, or one that has application symbol tables “compiled in”, or (very likely) some composition of these techniques. The mechanism by which shared symbol tables are acquired is irrelevant to this specification, but is discussed in Catalog Best Practices.

Top-Level Semantics

Symbol tables only (meaningfully) occur at the top level of a data stream or datagram. An Ion data stream is structured as follows:

Certain top-level values such as IVMs and local symbol tables are referred to as system values; all other values are referred to as user values. An Ion implementation may give applications the ability to “skip over” the system values, since they are generally irrelevant to the semantics of the user data.

Ion Version Markers

In Ion text, the Ion Version Marker (IVM) is represented by the following symbol.


This stand-alone symbol is recommended at the start of Ion text data. It identifies a specific major/minor version of the Ion notation. It resets the current symbol table to be the corresponding system symbol table, and simultaneously switches the parser into the appropriate mode for parsing the right version of Ion notation.

A version marker can also occur at non-initial positions at the top level, and it will have the same effect; when encountered below top-level, it has no processing effect and is treated as an ordinary user value.

IVMs do not have annotations. The input ann::$ion_1_0 is not a version marker, it’s a symbol with an annotation.

In Ion binary, there is a special sequence of bytes that represent the IVM.

E0 01 00 EA

This sequence of bytes can only appear at the top-level, much like the text IVM, and can occur at non-initial positions as well. Note that this particular form is equivalent to its textual counterpart $ion_1_0 and has the same processing semantics, but is a special encoding artifact in the binary format.

At the top-level, any encoding of $ion_1_0 that does not match the forms specified above are system values that have no processing semantics (a NOP).

Below are examples of the symbol $ion_1_0 that are not interpreted as IVMs:

// explicitly quoted

// explicitly quoted with some newline escapes

// symbol ID mapping $ion_1_0 declared in the system symbol table

// a locally declared symbol ID mapping to $ion_1_0

It is important to round-trip the forms above correctly, here is an example of IVMs mixed with these NOP encodings:

// IVM
// not the IVM
// also not the IVM
// maps to "a"

The above is equivalent to the following, more concise Ion:


Here is a bad example of re-encoding the previous example in a naive way:

// IVM
// quoted form improperly got converted to an IVM
// ERROR! the following symbol ID is not defined

The problem with the above example is that the conversion of '$ion_1_0' to $ion_1_0 changed it from being a NOP to an IVM which resets the current symbol table to the system symbol table.

Shared Symbol Tables

This section defines the serialized form of shared symbol tables. Unlike local symbol tables, the Ion parser does not intrinsically recognize or process this data; it is up to higher-level specifications or conventions to define how shared symbol tables are communicated.

  name: "",
  version: 1,
  imports: // For informational purposes only.
    { name:"..." , version:1 }, 
    // ...
    "fee", "fie", "foe", /* ... */ "hooligan"

A shared symbol table is serialized as a struct with the annotation $ion_shared_symbol_table.

The name field should be a string with length at least one. If the field has any other value, then materialization of this symbol table must fail.

The version field should be an int and at least 1. If the field is missing or has any other value, it is treated as if it were 1.

The imports field is for informational purposes only in shared tables. They assert that this table contains a superset of the strings in each of these named tables. It makes no assertion about any relationship between symbol IDs in this table and the imports, only that the symbols’ text occurs here. An implementation MAY issue a warning if these claims don’t match what’s in the symbols field.

The symbols field should be a list of strings. If the field is missing or has any other type, it is treated as if it were an empty list.

Null elements declare undefined symbol IDs (“gaps”) within the sequence; implementations must handle requests for such symbols the same as if the requested ID beyond the end of the list. Any element of the list that is not a string must be interpreted as if it were null.

A few things worth noting:


Symbol IDs are assigned to the symbols strings in order of their appearance in the list: the first element has symbol ID 1 (aka $1), the last has the symbol ID equal to the length of the list.

When mapping from symbol ID to string, a simple index into the list is all that’s needed.

When mapping from string to symbol ID, there may be multiple associated IDs (the same string could appear twice as children of the symbols field). Implementations MUST select the lowest known ID, and all other associated IDs MUST be handled as if undefined.


A shared symbol table with version greater than one should usually be a strict extension of the immediately preceding version, but Ion does not (and in reality cannot) enforce this. Symbols may be removed, but they cannot be renumbered or given different text. This ensures that when version N is requested, any version larger than N can be used without changing semantics. However, if symbols become undefined then some extant data may become unreadable when an exact-match import cannot be found.

The use of symbol tables that violate these restriction will lead to undefined and potentially incorrect interpretation of Ion data. Therefore implementations should enforce these restrictions at appropriate points.

Version N+1 of a table MAY be the same as version N.

Local Symbol Tables

A local symbol table defines symbols through two mechanisms, both of which are optional.

First, it imports the symbols from one or more shared symbol tables, offsetting symbol IDs appropriately so they do not overlap. Instead of importing the symbols from shared symbol tables, a local symbol table may import the current symbol table.

Second, it defines local symbols similarly to shared tables. The latter aspect is generally not managed by users: the system uses this form in the binary encoding to record local symbols encountered during parsing.

// a local symbol table that resets the context, imports some shared symbol tables
// and adds three local symbols
  imports:[ { name: "",
              version: 1,
              max_id: 75 },
            // ...
  symbols:[ "rock", "paper", "scissors" ]

// a local symbol table that adds two local symbols to the context
  symbols:[ "lizard", "spock" ]

When immediately following an explicit system ID, a top-level struct whose first annotation is $ion_symbol_table is interpreted as a local symbol table. If the struct is null (null.struct) then it is treated as if it were an empty struct.

The imports field should be the symbol $ion_symbol_table or a list as specified in the following section.

The symbols field should be a list of strings. If the field is missing or has any other type, it is treated as if it were an empty list.

Null elements in the symbols list declare unknown symbol text (“gaps”) for its SID within the sequence. Any element of the list that is not a string must be interpreted as if it were null. Any SIDs that refer to null slots in a local symbol table are equivalent to symbol zero.

Any other field (including, for example, name or version) is ignored.


A local symbol table implicitly imports the system symbol table that is active at the point where the local table is encountered.

If the value of the imports field is the symbol $ion_symbol_table, then the all of the symbol ID assignments in the current symbol table are imported into the new local table. Thus, if the current symbol table was the system symbol table, then processing is identical to having no imports field value.

If the value of the imports field is a list, each element of the list must be a struct; each element that is null or is not a struct is ignored.

Each import (including the implicit system table import) allocates a contiguous, non-overlapping sequence of symbol IDs. The system symbols start at 1, each import starts one past the end of the previous import, and the local symbols start immediately after the last import. The size of each import’s subsequence is defined by the max_id on the import statement, regardless of the actual size of the referenced table.

Import structs in an import list are processed in order as follows:

After processing imports, a number of symbol IDs will have been allocated, including at least those of a system symbol table. This number is always well-defined, and any local symbols will be numbered immediately beyond that point. We refer to the smallest local symbol ID as the local min_id.

Note: This specification allows a local table to declare multiple imports with the same name, perhaps even the same version. Such a situation provides redundant data and allocates unnecessary symbol IDs but is otherwise harmless.


When mapping from symbol ID to string, there is no ambiguity. However, due to unavailable imports, certain IDs may appear to be undefined when binary data is decoded. Any symbol ID outside of the range of the local symbol table (or system symbol table if no local symbol table is defined) for which it is encoded under MUST raise an error.

When mapping from string to symbol ID, there may be multiple assigned IDs; implementations MUST select the lowest known ID. If an imported table is unavailable, this may cause selection of a greater ID than would be the case otherwise. This restriction ensures that symbols defined by system symbol tables can never be mapped to other IDs.

Put another way, string-to-SID mappings have the following precedence:

System Symbols

The version included in the system identifier is independent of the version of the implied system symbol table (named "$ion"). Each version of the Ion specification defines the corresponding system symbol table version. Ion 1.0 uses the "$ion" symbol table, version 1, and future versions of Ion will use larger versions of the "$ion" symbol table. $ion_1_1 will probably use version 2, while $ion_2_0 might use version 5.

Applications and users should never have to care about these symbol table versions, since they are never explicit in user data: this specification disallows (by ignoring) imports named "$ion".

Here are the system symbols for Ion 1.0.

Symbol ID Symbol Name
1 $ion
2 $ion_1_0
3 $ion_symbol_table
4 name
5 version
6 imports
7 symbols
8 max_id
9 $ion_shared_symbol_table


  name: "$ion", version: 1,
  [ "$ion", "$ion_1_0", "$ion_symbol_table", "name", "version",
    "imports", "symbols", "max_id", "$ion_shared_symbol_table"

Symbol Zero

SID zero (i.e. $0) is a special symbol that is not assigned text by any symbol table, even the system symbol table. Symbol zero always has unknown text, and can be useful in synthesizing symbol identifiers where the text image of the symbol is not known in a particular operating context.

It is important to note that $0 is only semantically equivalent to itself and to locally-declared SIDs with unknown text. It is not semantically equivalent to SIDs with unknown text from shared symbol tables, so replacing such SIDs with $0 is a destructive operation to the semantics of the data.

Data Model

An important consideration for symbols is what semantics they have in the Ion data model. Any symbol which has the same text image as another symbol irrespective of the ID integer or the shared symbol table (if applicable) used to encode it is considered to be equivalent.

Ion symbols may have text that is unknown. That is, there is no binding to a (potentially empty) sequence of text. This can happen as a result of not having access to a shared symbol table being imported, or having a symbol table (shared or local) that contains a null slot.

When operating on data that contains symbols with unknown text, it is important to not treat them as equivalent unless any of the following hold:

A processor encountering a symbol with unknown text and a valid SID other than $0 MAY produce an error because this means that the context of the data is missing, however any implementation that chooses not to MUST conform to the above semantics with respect to round-tripping data.


A typical text document looks like:

  imports:[{ name:"", version:1 },
           { name:"", version:1 }]

// Here’s the user data, one or more top-level values.
submission::{ /* ... */ local_symbol  /* ... */ }
submission::{ /* ... */ 'another one' /* ... */ }

The example above shows a local table with imports but no symbols. This is a typical scenario for human-authored data. When parsing this text, the local table will be extended on the fly to contain any new symbols.

Here’s the same data printed after parsing, in which the local table has been extended with symbols encountered in the user data.

  imports:[{ name:"", version:1, max_id:75 },
           { name:"", version:1, max_id:100 }],
  symbols:["local_symbol", "another one"]
submission::{ /* ... */ local_symbol  /* ... */ }
submission::{ /* ... */ 'another one' /* ... */ }

Since the $ion_1_0 defines eight symbols ($1 through $9), the offer table covers ids $10 through $84, the submission table covers ids $85 through $184, and local symbols start at $185.

Here’s the same data as above serialized with a local symbol table being “flushed” between each top-level value.

  imports:[{ name:"", version:1, max_id:75 },
           { name:"", version:1, max_id:100 }],
submission::{ /* ... */ local_symbol  /* ... */ }
  symbols:["another one"]
submission::{ /* ... */ 'another one' /* ... */ }

In this case, the first local symbol table generated only needs to add one new local symbol for the top-level value being serialized in its context. The second symbol table adds a subsequent symbol to the context for the value immediately following it. This pattern of local symbol tables allows top-level values to be written to a stream without knowing all symbols ahead of time.

Annotating local symbol tables

Although a local symbol table struct may have multiple annotations, its first annotation must be $ion_symbol_table in order to be interpreted as a local symbol table.

The following will be interpreted as a valid local symbol table:

  symbols:["a", "b"]

The example below, however, will be interpreted as a simple struct with two annotations:

  symbols:["a", "b"]