Ion C
C library for Ion
No Matches
ion_writer.h File Reference
#include "ion_types.h"
#include "ion_platform_config.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  _ion_writer_options


typedef struct _ion_writer_options ION_WRITER_OPTIONS


ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_options_initialize_shared_imports (ION_WRITER_OPTIONS *options)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_options_add_shared_imports (ION_WRITER_OPTIONS *options, ION_COLLECTION *imports)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_options_add_shared_imports_symbol_tables (ION_WRITER_OPTIONS *options, ION_SYMBOL_TABLE **imports, SIZE imports_count)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_options_close_shared_imports (ION_WRITER_OPTIONS *options)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_open_buffer (hWRITER *p_hwriter, BYTE *buffer, SIZE buf_length, ION_WRITER_OPTIONS *p_options)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_open_stream (hWRITER *p_hwriter, ION_STREAM_HANDLER fn_output_handler, void *handler_state, ION_WRITER_OPTIONS *p_options)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_open (hWRITER *p_hwriter, ION_STREAM *p_stream, ION_WRITER_OPTIONS *p_options)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_get_depth (hWRITER hwriter, SIZE *p_depth)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_set_catalog (hWRITER hwriter, hCATALOG hcatalog)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_get_catalog (hWRITER hwriter, hCATALOG *p_hcatalog)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_set_symbol_table (hWRITER hwriter, hSYMTAB hsymtab)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_get_symbol_table (hWRITER hwriter, hSYMTAB *p_hsymtab)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_add_imported_tables (hWRITER hwriter, ION_COLLECTION *imports)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_field_name (hWRITER hwriter, iSTRING name)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_field_name_symbol (hWRITER hwriter, ION_SYMBOL *field_name)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_clear_field_name (hWRITER hwriter)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_add_annotation (hWRITER hwriter, iSTRING annotation)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_add_annotation_symbol (hWRITER hwriter, ION_SYMBOL *annotation)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_annotations (hWRITER hwriter, iSTRING p_annotations, SIZE count)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_annotation_symbols (hWRITER hwriter, ION_SYMBOL *annotations, SIZE count)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_clear_annotations (hWRITER hwriter)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_null (hWRITER hwriter)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_typed_null (hWRITER hwriter, ION_TYPE type)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_bool (hWRITER hwriter, BOOL value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_int (hWRITER hwriter, int value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_int32 (hWRITER hwriter, int32_t value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_int64 (hWRITER hwriter, int64_t value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_long (hWRITER hwriter, long value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_ion_int (hWRITER hwriter, ION_INT *value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_double (hWRITER hwriter, double value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_float (hWRITER hwriter, float value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_decimal (hWRITER hwriter, decQuad *value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_ion_decimal (hWRITER hwriter, ION_DECIMAL *value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_timestamp (hWRITER hwriter, iTIMESTAMP value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_symbol (hWRITER hwriter, iSTRING p_value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_ion_symbol (hWRITER hwriter, ION_SYMBOL *symbol)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_string (hWRITER hwriter, iSTRING p_value)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_clob (hWRITER hwriter, BYTE *p_buf, SIZE length)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_blob (hWRITER hwriter, BYTE *p_buf, SIZE length)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_start_lob (hWRITER hwriter, ION_TYPE lob_type)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_append_lob (hWRITER hwriter, BYTE *p_buf, SIZE length)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_finish_lob (hWRITER hwriter)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_start_container (hWRITER hwriter, ION_TYPE container_type)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_finish_container (hWRITER hwriter)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_one_value (hWRITER hwriter, hREADER hreader)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_all_values (hWRITER hwriter, hREADER hreader)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_flush (hWRITER hwriter, SIZE *p_bytes_flushed)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_finish (hWRITER hwriter, SIZE *p_bytes_flushed)
ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_close (hWRITER hwriter)

Function Documentation

◆ ion_writer_add_annotation()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_add_annotation ( hWRITER  hwriter,
iSTRING  annotation 

It is the caller's responsibility to keep annotation string in scope until the writer's annotations are cleared.

◆ ion_writer_add_imported_tables()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_add_imported_tables ( hWRITER  hwriter,

Adds the given list of imports to the writer's list of imports. These imports will only be used in the writer's current symbol table context. To configure the writer to use the same list of imports for each new symbol table context, convey that list of imports through ION_WRITER_OPTIONS.

If the writer's current symbol table context must be serialized, forces the writer to finish and flush its current symbol table context (with the same side-effects as ion_writer_finish) first. A new symbol table context is then created, starting with any imports specified in ION_WRITER_OPTIONS, and followed by the list of imports given to this function.

This function may be called multiple times in succession without changing the current symbol table context as long as no values have been written in between calls; in this case, this function appends to the writer's list of imports.

Raises an error if a manually-written symbol table is in progress, if the writer is not at the top level, or if the writer has pending annotations.

◆ ion_writer_close()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_close ( hWRITER  hwriter)

Finishes the writer, frees the writer's associated resources, and finally frees the writer itself. The writer may not continue writing to the stream after this function is called. If any value is in-progress, closing any writer raises an error, but still frees the writer and any associated memory.

◆ ion_writer_finish()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_finish ( hWRITER  hwriter,
SIZE *  p_bytes_flushed 

Flushes pending bytes, ending the current symbol table context and forcing an Ion Version Marker if the writer continues writing to the stream. If writer was created using open_stream, also flushes write buffer to stream. If any value is in-progress, finishing any writer is an error.

p_bytes_flushed- the number of bytes written into the buffer/stream.

◆ ion_writer_flush()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_flush ( hWRITER  hwriter,
SIZE *  p_bytes_flushed 

Flushes pending bytes without forcing an Ion Version Marker or ending the current symbol table context. If writer was created using open_stream, also flushes write buffer to stream. If any value is in-progress, flushing any writer is an error.

p_bytes_flushed- the number of bytes written into the buffer/stream.

◆ ion_writer_open_buffer()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_open_buffer ( hWRITER *  p_hwriter,
BYTE *  buffer,
SIZE  buf_length,

Ion Writer interfaces. Takes a byte buffer and length which will contain the text or binary content, returns handle to a writer.

bufferByte buffer, allocated and provided by caller.
buf_lengthsize of the buffer (0 or greater). If the buffer is not big enough, ion_write operation will return IERR_EOF rather than IERR_OK.
p_optionwriter configuration object.

◆ ion_writer_open_stream()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_open_stream ( hWRITER *  p_hwriter,
ION_STREAM_HANDLER  fn_output_handler,
void *  handler_state,

Open stream to write ion data.

fn_block_handlerUser provided function to write from handler_state buffer to file,
handler_stateRelated to write buffer. ion_writer will write to the buffer provided by the handler_state, fn_block_handler will write the buffer to file.
p_optionswriter configuration object.
See also

◆ ion_writer_options_add_shared_imports()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_options_add_shared_imports ( ION_WRITER_OPTIONS options,

Adds the imports from the given collection of ION_SYMBOL_TABLE_IMPORT to the options' imports list. ion_writer_options_initialize_shared_imports must have been called first. The given collection must not contain a system symbol table.

◆ ion_writer_options_add_shared_imports_symbol_tables()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_options_add_shared_imports_symbol_tables ( ION_WRITER_OPTIONS options,
ION_SYMBOL_TABLE **  imports,
SIZE  imports_count 

Adds the given array of ION_SYMBOL_TABLE (which must be shared symbol tables) to the options' imports list. ion_writer_options_initialize_shared_imports must have been called first. The given array must not contain a system symbol table.

◆ ion_writer_options_close_shared_imports()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_options_close_shared_imports ( ION_WRITER_OPTIONS options)

Frees the options' imports list. This must be done once the options are no longer needed, and only if ion_writer_options_initialize_shared_imports was called.

◆ ion_writer_options_initialize_shared_imports()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_options_initialize_shared_imports ( ION_WRITER_OPTIONS options)

Initializes the options' imports list. This must be done before calling ion_writer_options_add_*. NOTE: This does NOT need to be called if the writer does not need to use shared imports.

options- The writer options containing the imports list to initialize.

◆ ion_writer_set_symbol_table()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_set_symbol_table ( hWRITER  hwriter,
hSYMTAB  hsymtab 

Sets the writer's symbol table.

If the writer's current symbol table context must be serialized, forces the writer to finish and flush its current symbol table context (with the same side-effects as ion_writer_finish) first. If the given symbol table is a shared symbol table, a new local symbol table that imports that shared symbol table is created. Raises an error if a manually-written symbol table is in progress or if the writer is not at the top level.

◆ ion_writer_write_decimal()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_decimal ( hWRITER  hwriter,
decQuad *  value 
use of decQuads directly is deprecated. ION_DECIMAL should be used. See ion_writer_write_ion_decimal.

◆ ion_writer_write_field_name()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_field_name ( hWRITER  hwriter,
iSTRING  name 

Sets the writer's current field name. Only valid if the writer is currently in a struct. It is the caller's responsibility to keep name in scope until the writer's next value is written.

◆ ion_writer_write_field_name_symbol()

ION_API_EXPORT iERR ion_writer_write_field_name_symbol ( hWRITER  hwriter,
ION_SYMBOL field_name 

Sets the writer's current field name from the given Ion symbol. Only valid if the writer is currently in a struct. It is the caller's responsibility to keep field_name in scope until the writer's next value is written.