Macros by example

Before getting into the technical details of Ion’s macro and module system, it will help to be more familiar with the use of macros. We’ll step through increasingly sophisticated use cases, some admittedly synthetic for illustrative purposes, with the intent of teaching the core concepts and moving parts without getting into the weeds of more formal specification.

Ion macros are defined using a domain-specific language that is in turn expressed via the Ion data model. That is, macro definitions are Ion data, and use Ion features like S-expressions and symbols to represent code in a Lisp-like fashion. In this document, the fundamental construct we explore is the macro definition, denoted using an S-expression of the form (macro name …) where macro is a keyword and name must be a symbol denoting the macro's name.

NOTE: S-expressions of that shape only declare macros when they occur in the context of an encoding module. We will completely ignore modules for now, and the examples below omit this context to keep things simple.


The most basic macro is a constant:

(macro pi            // name
  ()                 // signature
  3.141592653589793) // template

This declaration defines a macro named pi. The () is the macro’s signature, in this case a trivial one that declares no parameters. The 3.141592653589793 is a similarly trivial template, an expression in Ion 1.1's domain-specific language for defining macro functions. This macro accepts no arguments and always returns a constant value.

To use pi in an Ion document, we write an encoding expression or E-expression:


The syntax (:pi) looks a lot like an S-expression. It’s not, though, since colons cannot appear unquoted in that context. Ion 1.1 makes use of syntax that is not valid in Ion 1.0—specifically, the (: digraph—to denote E-expressions. Those characters must be followed by a reference to a macro, and we say that the E-expression is an invocation of the macro. Here, (:pi) is an invocation of the macro named pi.

That document is equivalent to the following, in the sense that they denote the same data:


The process by which the Ion implementation turns the former document into the latter is called macro expansion or just expansion. This happens transparently to Ion-consuming applications: the stream of values in both cases are the same. The documents have the same content, encoded in two different ways. It’s reasonable to think of (:pi) as a custom encoding for 3.141592653589793, and the notation’s similarity to S-expressions leads us to the term “encoding expression” (or "e-expression").


Any Ion 1.1 document with macros can be fully expanded into an equivalent Ion 1.0 document.

We can streamline future examples with a couple of conventions. First, assume that any E-expression is occurring within an Ion 1.1 document; second, we use the relation notation, , to mean “expands to”. So we can say:

(:pi) ⇒ 3.141592653589793

Parameters and variable expansion

Most macros are not constant—they accept inputs that determine their results.

(macro passthrough
  (x)   // signature
  (%x)  // template

This macro has a signature that declares a parameter called x, and it therefore requires one argument to be passed in when it is invoked. This creates a variable (i.e. named data) called x that can be referred to within the context of the template.


We are careful to distinguish between the views from “inside” and “outside” the macro: parameters are the names used by a macro’s implementation to refer to its expansion-time inputs, while arguments are the data provided to a macro at the point of invocation. In other words, we have “formal” parameters and “actual” arguments.

The body of this macro is our first non-trivial template, an expression in Ion’s new domain-specific language for defining macro functions. This template definition language (TDL) treats Ion scalar values as literals, giving the decimal in pi’s template its intended meaning.

In this example, the template expression (%x) is a variable expansion in the form (%variable_name). During macro evaluation, variable expansions are replaced by the contents of the referenced variable. Because this macro's template is an expansion of its only parameter, x, invoking the macro will produce the same value it was given as an argument.

(:passthrough 1)         => 1
(:passthrough "foo")     => "foo"
(:passthrough [a, b, c]) => [a, b, c]

Simple Templates

Here's a more realistic macro:

(macro price
  (a c)                             // signature
  { amount: (%a), currency: (%c) }) // template

This macro has a signature that declares two parameters named a and c. It therefore accepts two arguments when invoked.

(:price 99 USD) ⇒ { amount: 99, currency: USD }

Template expressions that are structs are interpreted almost literally; the field names are literal--is why the amount and currency field names show up as-is in the expansion--but the field “values” are arbitrary expressions. We call these almost-literal forms quasi-literals.

The template definition language also treats lists quasi-literally, and every element inside the list is an expression. Here’s a silly macro to illustrate:

(macro two_item_list (a b) [(%a), (%b)])
(:two_item_list foo bar) ⇒ [foo, bar]

E-expressions can accept other e-expressions as arguments. For example:

(:two_item_list (:price 99 USD) foo)
//              └──────┬──────┘
//                     └─── passing another e-expression as an argument

Expansion happens from the "inside out". The outer e-expression receives the results from the expansion of the inner e-expression.

(:two_item_list (:price 99 USD) foo)

  // First, the inner invocation of `price` is expanded...
  => (:two_item_list {amount: 99, currency: USD} foo)

  // ...and then the outer invocation of `two_item_list` is expanded.
  => [{amount: 99, currency: USD}, foo]

Invoking Macros from Templates

Templates are able to invoke other macros. In TDL, an s-expression starting with a . and an identifier is an operator invocation, where operators are either macros or special forms, which we'll explore later.

(macro website_url
  (.make_string "" (%path)))

This macro's template is an s-expression beginning with .make_string, so it an invocation of a macro called make_string. make_string is a system macro (a built-in function) which concatenates its arguments to produce a single string.

(:website_url "gp/cart") ⇒ ""

In TDL, it is legal for a macro invocation to appear anywhere that a value could appear. In this example, an invocation of make_string is being passed as an argument to an invocation of website_url.

(macro detail_page_url
  (.website_url (.make_string "dp/" (%asin))))
(:detail_page_url "B08KTZ8249") ⇒ ""


This may not look like much of an improvement, but the full string


takes 38 bytes to encode while the macro invocation

(:detail_page_url "B08KTZ8249")

takes as few as 12 bytes in binary Ion. While text Ion spells out the macro name to be human-friendly, the binary Ion encoding uses the macro's integer address instead. Here's an illustration:

(:1 "B08KTZ8249")

This makes the e-expression both more compact and faster to decode. Readers can also avoid the cost of repeatedly validating the UTF-8 bytes of substrings that are 'baked into' the macro definition.

E-expressions Versus S-expressions

We've now seen two ways to invoke macros, and their difference deserves thorough exploration.

An E-expression is an encoding artifact of a serialized Ion document. It has no intrinsic meaning other than the fact that it represents a macro invocation. The meaning of the document can only be determined by expanding the macro, passing the E-expression's arguments to the function defined by the macro. This all happens as the Ion document is parsed, transparent to the reader of the document. In casual terms, E-expressions are expanded away before the application sees the data.

Within the template definition language, you can define new macros in terms of other macros, and those invocations are written as S-expressions. Unlike E-expressions, TDL macro invocations are normal Ion data structures, consumed by the Ion system and interpreted as TDL. Further, TDL macro invocations only have meaning in the context of a macro definition, inside an encoding module, while E-expressions can occur anywhere in an Ion document.

These two invocation forms are syntactically aligned in their calling convention, but are distinct in context and "immediacy". E-expressions occur anywhere and are invoked immediately, as they are parsed. S-expression invocations occur only within macro definitions, and are only invoked if and when that code path is ever executed by invocation of the surrounding macro.

Rest Parameters

Sometimes we want a macro to accept an arbitrary number of arguments, in particular all the rest of them. The make_string macro is one of those, concatenating all of its arguments into a single string:

(:make_string)                 ⇒ ""
(:make_string "a")             ⇒ "a"
(:make_string "a" "b")         ⇒ "ab"
(:make_string "a" "b" "c")     ⇒ "abc"
(:make_string "a" "b" "c" "d") ⇒ "abcd"

To make this work, the declaration of make_string is effectively:

(macro make_string (parts*) /*...*/)

The * is a cardinality modifier. A parameter's cardinality dictates both the number of argument expressions it can accept and the number of values its expansion can produce.

In the examples so far, all parameters have had a cardinality of exactly-one, which is the default. The parts parameter has a cardinality of zero-or-more, meaning:

  1. It can accept zero-or-more argument expressions.
  2. When expanded, it will produce zero-or-more values.

When the final parameter in the macro signature is zero-or-more, "all of the rest" of the argument expressions will be passed to that parameter.

//           └── 0 argument expressions passed to `parts`
(:make_string "a")
//            └┬┘
//             └── 1 argument expression passed to `parts`
(:make_string "a" "b" "c" "d")
//            └──────┬──────┘
//                   └── 4 argument expressions passed to `parts`

At this point our distinction between parameters and arguments becomes more apparent, since they are no longer one-to-one: this macro with one parameter can be invoked with one argument, or twenty, or none.


To declare a final parameter that requires at least one rest-argument, use the + modifier.

Arguments and results are streams

The inputs to and results from a macro are modeled as streams of values. When a macro is invoked, each argument expression produces a stream of values, and within the macro definition, each parameter name refers to the corresponding stream, not to a specific value. The declared cardinality of a parameter constrains the number of elements produced by its stream, and is verified by the macro expansion system.

More generally, the results of all template expressions are streams. While most expressions produce a single value, various macros and special forms can produce zero or more values.

We have everything we need to illustrate this, via another system macro, values:

(macro values (vals*) (%vals))
(:values 1)           ⇒ 1
(:values 1 true null) ⇒ 1 true null
(:values)             ⇒ _nothing_

The values macro accepts any number of arguments and returns their values; it is effectively a multi-value identity function. We can use this to explore how streams combine in E-expressions.

Splicing in encoded data

At the top level, an e-expression's resulting values become top-level values.

(:values 1 2 3) => 1 2 3

When an E-expression appears within a list or S-expression, the resulting values are spliced into the surrounding container:

[first, (:values), last]          ⇒ [first, last]
[first, (:values "middle"), last] ⇒ [first, "middle", last]
(first (:values left right) last) ⇒ (first left right last)

This also applies wherever a tagged type can appear inside an E-expression:

(first (:values (:values left right) (:values)) last) ⇒ (first left right last)

Note that each argument-expression always maps to one parameter, even when that expression returns too-few or too-many values.

(macro reverse (a b)
  [(%b), (%a)])
(:reverse (:values 5 USD))   ⇒ // Error: 'reverse' expects 2 arguments, given 1
(:reverse 5 (:values) USD)   ⇒ // Error: 'reverse' expects 2 arguments, given 3
(:reverse (:values 5 6) USD) ⇒ // Error: argument 'a' expects 1 value, given 2

In this example, the parameters expect exactly one argument, producing exactly one value. When the cardinality allows multiple values, then the argument result-streams are concatenated. We saw this (rather subtly) above in the nested use of values, but can also illustrate using the rest-parameter to make_string, which we'll expand here in steps:

(:make_string (:values) a (:values b (:values c) d) e)
//              ^^^^^^ next
  ⇒ (:make_string a (:values b (:values c) d) e)
//                               ^^^^^^ next
  ⇒ (:make_string a (:values b c d) e)
//                    ^^^^^^ next
  ⇒ (:make_string a b c d e)
  ⇒ "abcde"

Splicing within sequences is straightforward, but structs are trickier due to their key/value nature. When used in field-value position, each result from a macro is bound to the field-name independently, leading to the field being repeated or even absent:

{ name: (:values) }          ⇒ { }
{ name: (:values v) }        ⇒ { name: v }
{ name: (:values v ann::w) } ⇒ { name: v, name: ann::w }

An E-expression can even be used in place of a key-value pair, in which case it must return structs, which are merged into the surrounding container:

{ a:1, (:values), z:3 }             ⇒ { a:1, z:3 }
{ a:1, (:values {}), z:3 }          ⇒ { a:1, z:3 }
{ a:1, (:values {b:2}), z:3 }       ⇒ { a:1, b:2, z:3 }
{ a:1, (:values {b:2} {z:3}), z:3 } ⇒ { a:1, b:2, z:3, z:3 }

{ a:1, (:values key "value") } ⇒ // Error: struct expected for splicing into struct

Splicing in template expressions

The preceding examples demonstrate splicing of E-expressions into encoded data, but similar stream-splicing occurs within the template language, making it trivial to convert a stream to a list:

(macro list_of (vals*) [ (%vals) ])
(macro clumsy_bag (elts*) { '': (%elts) })
(:list_of)   ⇒ []
(:clumsy_bag) ⇒ {}

(:list_of 1 2 3)    ⇒ [1, 2, 3]
(:clumsy_bag true 2) ⇒ {'':true, '':2}

Mapping templates over streams: for

Another way to produce a stream is via a mapping form. The for special form evaluates a template once for each value provided by a stream or streams. Each time, a local variable is created and bound to the next value on the stream.

(macro price (a c) { amount: (%a), currency: (%c) })

(macro prices (currency amounts*)
    // Binding pairs
    [(amt (%amounts))]
    //└┬┘ └────┬───┘
    // │       └─── stream to map over
    // └─────────── variable name

    // Template
    (.price (%amt) (%currency))

The first subform of for is a list of binding pairs, S-expressions containing a variable names and a series of TDL expressions. Here, that TDL expression series is a single parameter expansion, so each individual value from the amounts stream is bound to the name amt before the price invocation is expanded.

(:prices GBP 10 9.99 12.)
  ⇒ {amount:10, currency:GBP} {amount:9.99, currency:GBP} {amount:12., currency:GBP}

More than one stream can be iterated in parallel, and iteration terminates when any stream becomes empty.

(macro zip (front* back*)
  (.for [(f (%front)),
        (b (%back))]
    [(%f), (%b)]))

(:zip (:values 1 2 3) (:values a b))
  ⇒ [1, a] [2, b]

Empty streams: none

The empty stream is an important edge case that requires careful handling and communication. The built-in macro none accepts no values and produces an empty stream:

(macro list_of (items*) [(%items)])

(:list_of (:none)) ⇒ []
(:list_of 1 (:none) 2) ⇒ [1, 2]
[(:none)]   ⇒ []
{a:(:none)} ⇒ {}

When used as a macro argument, a none invocation (like any other expression) counts as one argument:

(:pi (:none)) ⇒ // Error: 'pi' expects 0 arguments, given 1

The none macro is equivalent to an empty expression group ((::)), but unlike an expression group, it is not limited to use as a macro argument. (:none) can appear anywhere an expression can appear.


While (:none) and (:values) both produce the empty stream, the former is preferred for clarity of intent and terminology.


As described earlier, parameters are all streams of values, but the number of values can be controlled by the parameter's cardinality. So far we have seen the default exactly-one and the * (zero-or-more) cardinality modifiers, and in total there are four:

!exactly-one value
?zero-or-one value
+one-or-more values
*zero-or-more values


Many parameters expect exactly one value and thus have exactly-one cardinality. This is the default cardinality, but the ! modifier can be used for clarity.

This cardinality means that the parameter requires a stream producing a single value, so one might refer to them as singleton streams or just singletons colloquially.


A parameter with the modifier ? has zero-or-one cardinality, which is much like exactly-one cardinality, except the parameter accepts an empty-stream argument as a way to denote an absent parameter.

(macro temperature (degrees scale?)
    degrees: (%degrees),
    scale: (%scale)

Since the scale accepts the empty stream, we can pass it an empty expression group:

(:temperature 96 F)    ⇒ {degrees:96, scale:F}
(:temperature 283 (::)) ⇒ {degrees:283}

Note that the result’s scale field has disappeared because no value was provided. It would be more useful to fill in a default value, which we can achieve with the default system macro:

(macro temperature (degrees scale?)
    degrees: (%degrees),
    scale: (.default (%scale) K)
(:temperature 96 F)    ⇒ {degrees:96,  scale:F}
(:temperature 283 (::)) ⇒ {degrees:283, scale:K}

To refine things a bit further, trailing arguments that accept the empty stream can be omitted entirely:

(:temperature 283) ⇒ {degrees:283, scale:K}


The default macro is implemented with the help of a special form that can detect the empty stream: if_none.


A parameter with the modifier * has zero-or-more cardinality.

(macro prices (amount* currency)
  (.for [(amt (%amount))]
    (.price (%amt) (%currency))))

When * is on a non-final parameter, we cannot take “all the rest” of the arguments and must use a different calling convention to draw the boundaries of the stream. Instead, we need a single expression that produces the desired values:

(:prices (::) JPY)          ⇒ // empty stream
(:prices 54 CAD)           ⇒ {amount:54, currency:CAD}
(:prices (:: 10 9.99) GBP)  ⇒ {amount:10, currency:GBP} {amount:9.99, currency:GBP}

Here we use a non-empty expression group (:: /*...*/) to delimit the multiple elements of the amount stream.


A parameter with the modifier + has one-or-more cardinality, which works like * except:

  1. + parameters cannot accept the empty stream
  2. When expanded, + parameters must produce at least one value. To continue using our prices example:
(macro prices (amount+ currency)
  (.for [(amt (%amount))]
    (.price (%amt) (%currency))))
(:prices (::) JPY)          ⇒ // Error: `+` parameter received the empty stream
(:prices 54 CAD)           ⇒ {amount:54, currency:CAD}
(:prices (:: 10 9.99) GBP)  ⇒ {amount:10, currency:GBP} {amount:9.99, currency:GBP}

On the final parameter, + collects the remaining (one or more) arguments:

(macro thanks (names+)
  (.make_string "Thank you to my Patreon supporters:\n"
    (.for [(name (%names))]
      (.make_string "  * " (%name) "\n"))))
(:thanks) ⇒ // Error: at least one value expected for + parameter

(:thanks Larry Curly Moe) =>
Thank you to my Patreon supporters:
  * Larry
  * Curly
  * Moe

Expression Groups

The non-rest versions of multi-value parameters require some kind of delimiting syntax to contain the applicable sub-expressions. For the tagged-type parameters we have seen so far, you could use :values or some other macro to produce the stream, but that doesn't work for tagless types. The preferred syntax, supporting all argument types, is a special delimiting form called an expression group. Here is a macro to illustrate:

(macro prices
  (amount* currency)
  (.for [(amt (%amount))]
    (.price (%amt) (%currency))))

The parameter amount accepts any number of argument expressions. It's easy to provide exactly one:

(:prices 12.99 GBP) ⇒ {amount:12.99, currency:GBP}

To provide a non-singleton stream of values, use an expression group. Inside an E-expression, a group starts with (::

(:prices (::) GBP)       ⇒ _void_
(:prices (:: 1) GBP)     ⇒ {amount:1, currency:GBP}
(:prices (:: 1 2 3) GBP) ⇒ {amount:1, currency:GBP}
                           {amount:2, currency:GBP}
                           {amount:3, currency:GBP}

Within the group, the invocation can have any number of expressions that align with the parameter's encoding. The macro parameter produces the results of those expressions, concatenated into a single stream, and the expander verifies that each value on that stream is acceptable by the parameter’s declared encoding.

(:prices (:: 1 (:values 2 3) 4) GBP) ⇒ {amount:1, currency:GBP}
                                       {amount:2, currency:GBP}
                                       {amount:3, currency:GBP}
                                       {amount:4, currency:GBP}

Expression groups may only appear inside macro invocations where the corresponding parameter has ?, *, or + cardinality. There is no binary opcode for these constructs; the encoding uses a tagless format to keep things as dense as possible. As usual, the text format mirrors this constraint.

In TDL, an expression group is denoted using (.. and ). For example:

(macro foo (x*) { foo: (%x) })
(macro bar () (.foo (.. b a r))) // Argument to foo is 3 expressions in an expression group
(:bar) ⇒ { foo: b,
           foo: a,
           foo: r }

Optional Arguments

When a trailing parameter accepts the empty stream, an invocation can omit its corresponding argument expression, as long as no following parameter is being given an expression. We’ve seen this as applied to final * parameters, but it also applies to ? parameters:

(macro optionals (a* b? c! d* e? f*)
  (.make_list a b c d e f))

Since d, e, and f all accept the empty stream, they can be omitted by invokers. But c is required so a and b must always be present, at least as an empty group:

(:optionals (::) (::) "value for c") ⇒ ["value for c"]

Now c receives the string "value for c" while the other parameters are all empty. If we want to provide e, then we must also provide a group for d:

(:optionals (::) (::) "value for c" (::) "value for e")
  ⇒ ["value for c", "value for e"]

Tagless and fixed-width types

In Ion 1.0, the binary encoding of every value starts off with a “type tag”, an opcode that indicates the data-type of the next value and thus the interpretation of the following octets of data. In general, these tags also indicate whether the value has annotations, and whether it’s null.

These tags are necessary because the Ion data model allows values of any type to be used anywhere. Ion documents are not schema-constrained: nothing forces any part of the data to have a specific type or shape. We call Ion “self-describing” precisely because each value self-describes its type via a type tag.

If schema constraints are enforced through some mechanism outside the serializer/deserializer, the type tags are unnecessary and may add up to a non-trivial amount of wasted space. Furthermore, the overhead for each value also includes length information: encoding an octet of data takes two octets on the stream.

Ion 1.1 tries to mitigate this overhead in the binary format by allowing macro parameters to use more-constrained tagless types. These are subtypes of the concrete types, constrained such that type tags are not necessary in the binary form. In general this can shave 4-6 bits off each value, which can add up in aggregate. In the extreme, that octet of data can be encoded with no overhead at all.

The following tagless types are available:

Tagless typeDescription
flex_symbolTagless symbol (SID or text)
flex_stringTagless string
flex_intTagless, variable-width signed int
flex_uintTagless, variable-width unsigned int
int8 int16 int32 int64Fixed-width signed int
uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64Fixed-width unsigned int
float16 float32 float64Fixed-width float

To define a tagless parameter, just declare one of the primitive types:

(macro point (flex_int::x flex_int::y)
  {x: (%x), y: (%y)})
(:point 3 17) ⇒ {x:3, y:17}

The tagless encoding has no real benefit here in text, as primitive types aim to improve the binary encoding.

This density comes at the cost of flexibility. Primitive types cannot be annotated or null, and arguments cannot be expressed using macros, like we’ve done before:

(:point 17)   ⇒ // Error: primitive flex_int does not accept nulls
(:point a::3 17)       ⇒ // Error: primitive flex_int does not accept annotations
(:point (:values 1) 2) ⇒ // Error: cannot use macro for a primitive argument

While Ion text syntax doesn’t use tags—the types are built into the syntax—these errors ensure that a text E-expression may only express things that can also be expressed using an equivalent binary E-expression.

For the same reasons, supplying a (non-rest) tagless parameter with no value, or with more than one value, can only be expressed by using an expression group.

A subset of the primitive types are fixed-width: they are binary-encoded with no per-value overhead.

(macro byte_array

Invocations of this macro are encoded as a sequence of untagged octets, because the macro definition constrains the argument shape such that nothing else is acceptable. A text invocation is written using normal ints:

(:byte_array 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) ⇒ [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
(:byte_array 9 -10 11)          ⇒ // Error: -10 is not a valid uint8
(:byte_array 256)               ⇒ // Error: 256 is not a valid uint8

As above, Ion text doesn’t have syntax specifically denoting “8-bit unsigned integers”, so to keep text and binary capabilities aligned, the parser rejects invocations where an argument value exceeds the range of the binary-only type.

Primitive types have inherent tradeoffs and require careful consideration, but in the right circumstances the density wins can be significant.

Macro Shapes

We can now introduce the final kind of input constraint, macro-shaped parameters. To understand the motivation, consider modeling a scatter-plot as a list of points:

[{x:3, y:17}, {x:395, y:23}, {x:15, y:48}, {x:2023, y:5}, …]

Lists like these exhibit a lot of repetition. Since we already have a point macro, we can eliminate a fair amount:

[(:point 3 17), (:point 395 23), (:point 15 48), (:point 2023 5), …]

This eliminates all the xs and ys, but leaves repeated macro invocations.

What we’d like is to eliminate the point calls and just write a stream of pairs, something like:

(:scatterplot (3 17) (395 23) (15 48) (2023 5) …)

We can achieve exactly that with a macro-shaped parameter, in which we use the point macro as an encoding:

(macro scatterplot (point::points*)
//                  ^^^^^

point is not one of the built-in encodings, so this is a reference to the macro of that name defined earlier.

(:scatterplot (3 17) (395 23) (15 48) (2023 5))
  [{x:3, y:17}, {x:395, y:23}, {x:15, y:48}, {x:2023, y:5}]

Each argument S-expression like (3 17) is implicitly an E-expression invoking the point macro. The argument mirrors the shape of the inner macro, without repeating its name. Further, expansion of the implied points happens automatically, so the overall behavior is just like the preceding variant and the points parameter produces a stream of structs.

The binary encoding of macro-shaped parameters are similarly tagless, eliding any opcodes mentioning point and just writing its arguments with minimal delimiting.

Macro types can be combined with cardinality modifiers, with invocations using groups as needed:

(macro scatterplot
  (point::points+ flex_string::x_label flex_string::y_label)
  { points: [(%points)], x_label: (%x_label), y_label: (%y_label) })
(:scatterplot (:: (3 17) (395 23) (15 48) (2023 5)) "hour" "widgets")
    points: [{x:3, y:17}, {x:395, y:23}, {x:15, y:48}, {x:2023, y:5}],
    x_label: "hour",
    y_label: "widgets"

As with other tagless parameters, you cannot replace a group with a macro invocation, and you cannot use a macro invocation as an element of an expression group:

(:scatterplot (:make_points 3 17 395 23 15 48 2023 5) "hour" "widgets")
  ⇒ // Error: Expression group expected, found :make_points

(:scatterplot (:: (3 17) (:make_points 395 23 15 48) (2023 5)) "hour" "widgets")
  ⇒ // Error: sexp expected with args for 'point', found :make_points

(:scatterplot (:: (3 17) (:point 395 23) (15 48) (2023 5)) "hour" "widgets")
  ⇒ // Error: sexp expected with args for 'point', found :point

This limitation mirrors the binary encoding, where both the expression group and the individual macro invocations are tagless and there's no way to express a macro invocation.


The primary goal of macro-shaped arguments, and tagless types in general, is to increase density by tightly constraining the inputs.