
In Ion text, encoding expressions (E-expressions) start with (:, immediately followed by a macro reference, which must be one of:

  • a macro name
  • a base-10 integer macro address
  • a qualified macro name consisting of a module name, double-colon (::), and the macro name
  • a qualified macro name consisting of a module name, double-colon (::), and a base-10 integer macro address

See Encoding modules for details about qualified macro references.

Macro and module names follow the syntax rules for identifier symbol tokens, excluding symbol identifiers. There may not be any whitespace from the start of the E-expression through to the end of the macro reference.

Values in the E-expression body follow the same syntax as values in an S-expression body. E-expressions are not values, so they may not be annotated; to annotate the result of an e-expression use the annotate macro.

(:pi)              // Invokes the macro 'pi'
(:1)               // Invokes the macro with address 1 in the macro table
(:constants::pi)   // Invokes the macro 'pi' from the module 'constants'

(: pi)             // ERROR: whitespace is not permitted between '(:' and the macro reference
foo::(:pi)         // ERROR: e-expression may not be annotated

E-expressions may also appear in structs in place of an entire name-value pair.

  foo: 1,
  (:bar 2), // Expands to a struct that is spliced into this struct

Expression Groups

To pass multiple arguments to a single macro parameter, the arguments to the parameter must be delimited by an Expression Group.

Inside an E-expression, an expression group starts with (::. The remainder of the expression group uses the same syntax as an S-expression. Expression groups are not values, so they may not be annotated. Expression groups may not contain another expression group.

(:make_string (:: "a" "b" "c" "d"))
//                └──────┬──────┘
//                       └── 4 argument expressions passed to `parts`

(:make_string (:: "a" (:: "b" "c") "d") )    // ERROR: Expression groups may only occur directly in an E-expression

Rest Arguments

Rest arguments are a special-case of expression groups that is only applicable to Ion 1.1 text. When the final parameter in the macro signature is zero-or-more or one-or-more, "all the rest" of the argument expressions will be passed to that parameter. Rest arguments are an implicit expression group, and may not include any explicit expression groups.

//           └── 0 argument expressions passed to `parts`
(:make_string "a")
//            └┬┘
//             └── 1 argument expression passed to `parts`
(:make_string "a" "b" "c" "d")
//            └──────┬──────┘
//                   └── 4 argument expressions passed to `parts`

(:make_string (:: "a" "b" "c" "d"))
//                └──────┬──────┘
//                       └── Also 4 argument expressions passed to `parts`

(:make_string (:: "a") "b" "c" "d")   // ERROR: Too many arguments
(:make_string "a" (:: "b") "c" "d")   // ERROR: Too many arguments

Macro-shaped parameters

Macro-shaped parameters are tagless parameters whose encoding type is the arguments for another macro. (See Macros by Example.) In Ion text, each set of arguments for a macro-shape parameter must be enclosed between ( and ). The only difference between this and an E-expression is the lack of the ':' and macro reference at the start of the E-expression. The arguments for a macro-shape use the same syntax as the arguments to any other E-expression.

// Given the following macro signatures:
//   (macro point (x y) ...)
//   (macro line_segment (point::a point::b) ...)
//   (macro polygon (point::points*) ...)

(:line_segment (0 1) (4 8) )
//             └─┬─┘ └─┬─┘
//               │     └── Implicit invocation of (:point ...) for parameter b
//               └── Implicit invocation of (:point ...) for parameter a

(:polygon (:: (1 1) (1 2) (2 4) (2 5) ))
//            └──────────┬──────────┘
//                       └── 4 macro-shaped arguments passed to `points`