Docs/ Developers’ Guide to Ion Symbols
This document provides developer-focused commentary on the Symbols section of the specification and discusses the implementation of symbol table, symbol token, and catalog APIs.
Current symbol table - the symbol table (either the system symbol table or a local symbol table) which is used to resolve local symbol IDs at a particular location in the stream.
ImportSID – an integer index into a shared symbol table’s list of symbols. The first symbol in a shared symbol table always has an ImportSID of 1.
Local symbol ID – an integer index into a local symbol table’s list of symbols. Assigned according to the algorithm defined by the specification.
SymbolToken - refers both to the SymbolToken structure, as defined below, and to a symbol token within an Ion stream (i.e. a field name, annotation, or symbol value). The representations are interchangeable.
Symbol Identifier – the text representation of a local symbol ID (e.g. $10).
Undefined text - text in a SymbolToken structure which is undefined, e.g.
. SymbolTokens with undefined text do not necessarily refer to symbols with unknown text because the text may be resolvable through the SymbolToken’s importLocation. -
Unknown text - the result of the lookup of a valid symbol ID in a symbol table where the text representing the symbol ID cannot be found (either because its import location is not present in the catalog, or because the symbol ID maps to a
ImportDescriptor = <importName:String, version:Int, max_id:Int>
ImportLocation = <importName:String, importSID:Int>
SymbolToken = <text:String, importLocation:ImportLocation>
Where Int
may be any integer and String
may be any string.
SymbolToken equivalence
In order to fully support the equivalence semantics defined by the specification, SymbolToken equivalence must be implemented as follows. When text is
Defined, SymbolTokens with the same text are equivalent; importLocation is ignored.
Undefined, if importLocation is
Defined, SymbolTokens are equivalent if and only if their importLocations’ importName and importSID are equivalent.
Undefined, the SymbolToken represents the special symbol zero, which is used to denote that a SymbolToken has unknown text in any symbol table. SymbolTokens representing symbol zero are equivalent only to other SymbolTokens representing symbol zero.
Symbol tables
There are three types of symbol tables:
- Local
- Shared
- System (a special shared symbol table)
Implementations should be able to determine the type of a given symbol table, as not all fields are valid for all types, and not all types are valid input to all APIs. For example, local symbol tables do not have names, while shared symbol tables require them; only shared symbol tables may be added to a catalog or to a writer’s list of imports.
Symbol tables should support being in more than one catalog simultaneously. Otherwise, piping data from a reader through a writer with a different catalog would require a copy of the symbol tables the two catalogs have in common.
A local symbol table is the current symbol table for the subset of values in the stream that occur between the end of the symbol table struct and either the next Ion version marker (IVM) or the end of the next local symbol table struct (whichever comes first). This way, a local symbol table struct may contain SymbolTokens from the current symbol table.
Fundamental symbol table APIs
Allow the user to look up a SymbolToken by its text.
Allow the user to look up a SymbolToken by its symbol ID.
Advanced symbol table APIs
Allow the user to construct symbol tables (shared and local)
Through language-idiomatic construction APIs.
From serialized Ion representations.
Allow the user to add new symbols to the symbol table.
Catalogs should enable users to define the logic used to look up a shared symbol table given an ImportDescriptor. This allows users the flexibility to, for example, lazily query shared tables from a centralized store. A basic implementation, which stores the mappings in memory, should be provided.
Fundamental catalog APIs
- Allow the user to look up the best match (as defined by the specification) to a shared symbol table given an ImportDescriptor. The source of the shared symbol tables may be user-defined. Failure to find a match should be conveyed, but should not raise an error.
Reading SymbolTokens
Ion readers must support being provided with an optional catalog to use for resolving shared symbol table imports declared within local symbol tables encountered in the stream. If a declared import is not found in the catalog, all of the symbol IDs in its max_id range will have unknown text.
Generally, Ion readers provide two kinds of SymbolToken reading APIs, those that return:
- Raw text (for convenience), and
- Complete SymbolTokens (for full fidelity).
Binary readers (note that IVM semantics will never be applied to SymbolTokens encountered along this path0), if the local symbol ID is
Within the current local symbol table’s max_id range, if the local symbol ID maps to text which is
Known, for
Raw text APIs, return that text.
SymbolToken APIs, return a SymbolToken with that text and with an undefined importLocation (it is irrelevant).
Unknown, if the local symbol ID is
Less than the current local symbol table’s min_local_id (as defined by the specification), for
At least min_local_id, then this symbol ID maps to a null (or non-string) slot in the local symbol table3, and is treated as symbol zero. For
Raw text APIs, return undefined text (e.g. a
string). -
SymbolToken APIs, return a SymbolToken with undefined text and an undefined importLocation.
Greater than the current local symbol table’s max_id, or less than zero, an error must be raised.
Text readers, if the text is
Single-quoted, and is
Unquoted, and is
The top-level unannotated, symbol value $ion_1_0, treat this as the IVM; reset the current symbol table to the system symbol table and skip to the next value.
A Symbol Identifier, first determine the local symbol ID by parsing the Symbol Identifier. Follow the steps for binary readers, described above, using that local symbol ID.
Anything else, for
Raw text APIs, return that text.
SymbolToken APIs, return a SymbolToken with that text and with an undefined importLocation (it is irrelevant).
Fundamental symbol-related reader APIs
Allow the user to configure the reader to use an optional catalog to resolve ImportDescriptors declared by local symbol tables (described above).
Allow the user to get the following as both raw text and complete SymbolTokens:
Field names
Symbol values
Advanced symbol-related reader APIs (not exhaustive)
Allow the user to get the reader’s current symbol table.
Allow the user to register for notifications by the reader when the current symbol table changes. These notifications need to include all necessary information required to correctly roundtrip any symbols with unknown text that occur within the new symbol table’s max_id range; namely, the list of shared symbol tables imported by the new symbol table. The user may then provide these shared symbol tables to a writer to guarantee that all SymbolTokens provided by the reader can be written.
Writing symbol tables
Ion writers must accept an optional list of imports to be used during writing. These imports, which may be either fully-materialized shared symbol tables or ImportDescriptors, will be added to each new local symbol table the writer creates. If the implementation allows its writer imports to be specified as ImportDescriptors, its Ion writers must also support being provided with an optional catalog, which will be used to resolve these imports. In this case, the implementation should specify that the imported tables must be present in the catalog if the user intends for the symbol IDs in range of those shared tables to map to known text. For
Text writers, serializing the local symbol table is only required when the stream contains symbols with unknown text from one of the shared symbol tables5. In other cases, the text writer may serialize the local symbol table; doing so provides no benefit to encoding size or future read performance.
Binary writers, serializing the local symbol table is always required unless no SymbolTokens have occurred in the stream since the last occurrence of the IVM. In this case, the current symbol table is, implicitly, the system symbol table.
Ion writers may allow users to use writer APIs to manually construct a valid local symbol table struct. If the implementation chooses
Not to support this, it must raise an error when trying to write a top-level struct annotated with $ion_symbol_table6.
To support this, its writers must
Support being provided with an optional catalog. This is used to resolve shared symbol table imports declared by manually-written local symbol tables.
Ascribe all relevant symbol table semantics to any manually-written local symbol table, which becomes the current symbol table as soon as the symbol table struct is complete. Subsequently, the user should be able to use SymbolToken writing APIs to serialize any symbol within the max_id range of the new local symbol table.
Intercept, and not write out directly, manually-written local symbol tables while they are in progress. Once complete, writers should verify that the symbol table is valid. Like all local symbol tables, binary writers should buffer while the symbol table is the current symbol table and has not been flushed, as additional symbols may need to be appended; the local symbol table that is eventually written may contain more local symbols than were manually written, or may not need to be written at all.
Follow the rules described above to determine whether the manually-written local symbol table is required to be written to the stream.
Writing SymbolTokens
Generally, Ion writers provide two kinds of SymbolToken-writing APIs, those that accept:
- Raw text, and
- Complete SymbolTokens.
For APIs that accept
Raw text, and the text is
Undefined, treat this as a SymbolToken which represents symbol zero (described below).
Defined, if
The writer is at the top level, has no pending annotations, and the text is the same as the IVM (i.e. $ion_1_0), ignore it; nothing is written.
The text does not resemble an IVM, for
Text writers, the SymbolToken is never assigned a local symbol ID, and the current local symbol table’s max_id is never increased. If the text
Is an identifier (but not a Symbol Identifier) or an operator within an S-expression, it should be written as-is. These SymbolTokens may be surrounded with single-quote characters.
Has the same form as a Symbol Identifier, it must be surrounded with single-quote characters4.
Is neither an identifier nor an operator within an S-expression, it must be surrounded with single-quote characters.
Binary writers, if the text
Already exists in the current symbol table, the writer writes the lowest local symbol ID that maps to that text7.
Does not exist in the current symbol table, the text is added to the symbols list of the current local symbol table, increasing its max_id by one8. This new max_id is written as the SymbolToken’s local symbol ID.
SymbolTokens, if the text is
Defined, the behavior is the same as calling a raw text API, as described above, with that text7.
Undefined, and the importLocation is
Defined, and a match to the importLocation in the system symbol table or the writer’s imports list is
Found, and the resolved SymbolToken has
Known text, the behavior is the same as calling a raw text API, as described above, with that text.
Unknown text, calculate the local symbol ID of the resolved SymbolToken’s importLocation in the current local symbol table. For
Text writers, write this local symbol ID as a Symbol Identifier5.
Binary writers, write this local symbol ID as-is.
Not found, and a match to the importLocation in the writer’s catalog (if present) is
Found, and the resolved SymbolToken has
Known text, the behavior is the same as calling a raw text API, as described above, with that text.
Unknown text, an error must be raised.
Not found, an error must be raised.
Undefined, then this SymbolToken represents symbol zero. For
Text writers, write the Symbol Identifier $0.
Binary writers, write the symbol ID 0.
Fundamental symbol-related writer APIs
Allow the user to configure the writer to write with a list of shared symbol table imports. These imports will be used in each new local symbol table (as described above).
Allow the user to write the following from both raw text and complete SymbolTokens:
Field names
Symbol values
Allow the user to finish the current symbol table, flush any buffered data, and reset the current symbol table. The user must be able to continue writing to the stream with this writer. If the writer was configured with a list of shared symbol tables, the new symbol table must include these imports (requiring it to be written to the stream before the next value); otherwise, the current symbol table will be reset to the system symbol table (requiring the Ion version marker to be written to the stream before the next value).
Advanced symbol-related writer APIs (not exhaustive)
Allow the user to configure the writer to use a catalog to match ImportDescriptors and ImportLocations to shared symbol tables. If the writer allows the user to manually write local symbol tables, or if the user allows its configured list of imports to be ImportDescriptors, this API is required.
Allow the user to get the writer’s current symbol table.
Allow the user to set the writer’s current symbol table when the writer is positioned between top-level values. This must force the writer to write the previous symbol table (if necessary) and flush any buffered data before writing the new symbol table (or IVM, if the new symbol table is the system symbol table).
Allow the user to add shared symbol tables to the writer’s list of imports mid-stream when the writer is positioned between top-level values. In addition to allowing the user to construct a writer which adds the same list of shared symbol table imports to each local symbol table it creates, the implementation may choose to allow the user to add particular shared symbol table imports to certain local symbol tables within the stream. This can be desirable, for example, in response to a change in a reader’s current symbol table when that reader is acting as the source of the data to write. Using this API would cause the writer to create a new symbol table which appends the given shared symbol tables to the writer’s configured list of shared symbol tables (if any). This would require the writer to serialize the previous local symbol table (if necessary) and flush any buffered data before writing the new symbol table.
Allow the user to flush any writer between any two top-level values without resetting the current symbol table. Calling this API would cause the writer to serialize the current symbol table; upon the next flush, the writer would use local symbol table append syntax (as defined by the specification) to write a symbol table that appends any symbols that were added after the last flush.
0: When using
Text readers, the only SymbolToken that carries IVM semantics is the unquoted and unannotated symbol value with text $ion_1_0 at the top level. Other top-level unannotated symbol values with the same text as the IVM, including ‘$ion_1_0’, $2, and any Symbol Identifiers that refer to local symbols with the text $ion_1_0, are ignored; the value is skipped. When such symbol values are annotated, or occur below the top-level, they are treated as user symbols.
Binary readers, the only byte sequence that carries IVM semantics is
0xE0 0x01 0x00 0xEA
at the top level. No symbol value may be used to represent the IVM. Any unannotated symbol IDs that map to the text $ion_1_0 at the top-level are ignored and skipped; in all other cases, such symbol values are treated as user symbols.
1: This is a potentially a lossy operation, as it does not convey import location. There are two reasons why implementations may choose not to raise an error in this case:
For legacy reasons. Existing implementations may find it impractical to raise an error under this condition. In this case, if possible, the API should be deprecated in favor of one that handles this case correctly; at the very least, documentation should be added to convey the risk of data loss.
If there is demand for an API which lossily treats all SymbolTokens with unknown text as symbol zero. New implementations should relax the constraint only if it is proven necessary, and should take care to make sure users understand the risk of data loss.
2: The ImportLocation can be determined by applying the symbol ID assignment algorithm defined by the specification, where the system symbol table starts at symbol ID 1.
3: Unlike symbols with unknown text resolved from shared symbol tables, symbols with with unknown text resolved from local symbol tables can never have defined text because the local symbol table is included in the encoding and its symbol ID mappings are immutable. Therefore, there is no need to preserve the local symbol IDs of SymbolTokens representing such symbols. Treating them equivalently to symbol zero simplifies writing symbol tables because it obviates the need for writers to keep track of null slots in local symbol tables.
4: No special semantics are ascribed to text Ion symbol tokens which have the same form as Symbol Identifiers but are quoted. Readers must pass along the text as-is, and writers must never write user-provided text with the same form as a Symbol Identifier as an unquoted symbol token. This maintains the user’s ability to write symbol tokens with any text without experiencing surprising side-effects on roundtrip.
5: This case requires that the text writer serialize a local symbol table containing the imports mapped to by Symbol Identifier tokens within the stream. Note that imports that have no unknown mappings in the stream do not need to be included (nor do any local symbols), but if only a subset of the imports are included, the Symbol Identifiers need to refer to the same slot in the same import as before any shared symbol tables were excluded (this can be computed by translating the SymbolToken’s importLocation to a local symbol ID in the new symbol table using the algorithm defined by the specification).
Although this is the only case that requires a text writer to serialize a local symbol table, it should be noted that serializing a local symbol table in other cases is only wasteful, never harmful. Accordingly, it is simpler to serialize a local symbol table which includes all shared imports whenever a writer is provided with shared imports. Otherwise, when the writer has shared imports, it needs to buffer the entire stream while that symbol table is the current symbol table (similar to the binary writer), because it can’t determine ahead of time that the user won’t specify a symbol with unknown text (unless all of the imports are found in the catalog and none of them have null slots, which can be checked ahead of time in return for some additional preprocessing time).
It may be tempting for an implementation to try to wait until a SymbolToken with unknown text is written before serializing a local symbol table. However, this is problematic because symbol tables may only occur at the top level, but the first SymbolToken with unknown text can occur at any depth.
6: This is to avoid writing invalid Ion. Consider a writer whose current symbol table contains two symbols, $10 = abc and $11 = def. A user manually writes a local symbol table with only one symbol, $10 = foo. If the writer simply writes this manually-written table to the stream without internally changing its current symbol table, it would allow the user to write symbol ID 11 (with “def” in mind), while a reader of the data would process the new local symbol table and subsequently consider $11 to be out of range, raising an error.
7: Note that this means that SymbolTokens are not guaranteed to have the same import location on roundtrip, but they are guaranteed to have the same text representation, which is sufficient to maintain equivalence.
8: If the implementation uses a singleton system symbol table directly as the current symbol table, appending a new symbol will first require creating a mutable local symbol table which implicitly extends the system symbol table. In other words, care should be taken never to mutate the system symbol table.